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[–]Noam_Chomsky 3 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

So the fact that most people have never de-wormed themselves in their life is kind of interesting to think about.

DIATOMACEOUS EARTH for natural ongoing anti-parasite supplementation.
Super cheap and with numerous beneficial applications.

I have only recently learned about it, and I can't say enough positive things about it.

I've read 3 day fasting (or longer) is another effective anti parasite technique.
Activating latent auxiliary fuel healing abilities.
A lost art in the lives of the 1st world.

Edit: added quote.

Also, ivermectin is the Nobel prize winning miracle drug.

Cures the elephantiasis parasite. NOT SAFE FOR WORK.

Ivermectin is seemingly peerless, as more interesting evidence surfaces. Awesome post.

Best to have on hand as we enter a 3rd world future.

LIFE PRO TIP: Go to the farm store and buy up some emergency super IVERMECTIN horse paste, as horse paste because WGAF?!
If your elephantiasis is progressing, then I promise you'll use it.

Get the apple flavored version.