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[–]adultmanhwa[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Quran preservation is a major myth in Islam, muslim use this myth to convert non-muslim to go into islam, and then this is the source of their proud feeling, they even recite and memorize quran to celebrate that myth, but that happy day is close to an end when Sheikh Yasir Qadhi admit there's hole in the narrative

but the fact is if you reading quran so much you can find many that's contradict that myth : explained by christian prince :

this is the full version of video about hole in the narrative (un processed) :

you can find the graphical explanation of what's happening in the world of islamic apologetic here :

why should you care? in short : "no more terrorism" in long : "more productivity than 5 daily prayers"