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Shutka, Northern Macedonia, Muslim Romani community since the time of Ottoman Empire
submitted 1 month ago by Romano from
submitted 1 month ago by Romano from
Gypsy-Islam. Ethnographic research on religion in the Western Balkans
submitted 1 month ago by Romano from
Youtube just took down my Free Palestine video. WTF
submitted 2 months ago by fnaf from self.Islam
Like this post as a voting system.
Declaration of War on Israel.
Read, Learn And Explore: Surah Mulk
submitted 8 months ago by muhammadhammad from
lol, since muzzies won't get serious about armageddon, Her Divinity now motivates them with Divine Disfavor. The saud is quite annoying. Are they next? rñ
submitted 1 year ago by SheKnowsWhatAllKnow from
بقدر ما يهمك، غايا هو "المهدي" الخاص بك. أطع أو مت مع الكافر. rñ
submitted 1 year ago by SheKnowsWhatAllKnow from self.Islam
Her Command: escalate. Γῆ
submitted 1 year ago by SheKnowsWhatAllKnow from
foolish muslims can't see their apocalypse before them despite Her Divinity giving all the signs. Her Command: declare war upon israel and its slave nations immediately. Mārs
lmfao. rñ
submitted 1 year ago by SheKnowsWhatAllKnow from
Her Divinity's Command shall be obeyed forever. Γῆ
submitted 1 year ago by SheKnowsWhatAllKnow from
This is so weak. If this was a real war, they'd be human waving kike assets in muslim countries. rñ
you are a quarter of the world population while kikes are insignificant as a percentage, yet they run roughshod over the entire ummah. You truly are the most pathetic and biggest cowards in history. "greater israel" is coming for ALL of your nations
the muzzie can only barely kill women, children, and the elderly. It is a urinating coward in the face of kaffir men. I'm so happy Her Divinity has Willed Total Holy War in their homes. rñ
Her Command: overthrow all "muslim" governments who do not declare war upon israel. rñ
all abrahamists are simps. rñ
Much better from the turk if true. abrahamism must fight their apocalypse to the full at Her Will. Mārs
Punishment of Divinity for not torturing sane adult unbeliever who don't pay helot tribute to Her Divinity. Mārs
Her Command: enslave or slaughter every last unbeliever who does not pay helot tribute or die
You deserve this for disobeying Her Command. Mārs!
I'm enjoying your Punishment of Divinity for disobeying Her Command to torture sand adult jewish captives but to keep them alive by the War of Mārs with the Magic of Sāturnus at Her Divinity's Will. All love & attribution to Her Divinity, and all shall obey Her Command, forever. Γῆ
Divine Favor to the only real muslims the houthis as the rest are cowering cowards by the War of Mārs with the Magic of Sāturnus at Her Divinity's Will. All love & attribution to Her Divinity, and all shall obey Her Command, forever. Γῆ
Her Command: freeze all international organizations of which you are a part
Her Command: rot all kike institutions from the inside, as Her Divinity has invited the turkic wolf to feast upon the european lambs. Γῆ
Yemen is drowning in Divine Favor. All love & attribution to Her Divinity, and all shall obey Her Command, forever. Γῆ
Punishment of Divinity for disobeying Her Command. Γῆ
Divine Favor to houthis who apparently are the only muzzies left with balls. Islam has gone so soft, it's pathetic. I would never admit I'm an abrahamist of any kind. All love & attribution to Her Divinity, and all shall obey Her Command, forever. Γῆ
muzzies are so incredibly inbred and stupid that they can't even assassinate this inbred white trash. Γῆ
submitted 1 year ago by SheKnowsWhatAllKnow from
I can't wait to see your Punishment of Divinity for this by the War of Mars with the Magic of Saturn at Her Divinity's Will. All love & attribution to Her Divinity, and all shall obey Her Command, forever. Γῆ
HAHAHAHA GAIA!!! You inbred muzzies are worthless. I still celebrate the Slaughter of Baghdad. All at Her Will and Command. GAIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!
That's what you get for being cowards and disobeying Her Command to torture the captives then not fighting. Now that they have the women and children, they are fine with killing your male captives along with you. You and the christcucks make life so easy for kikes. Die, all of you. Γῆ
It is a sweet & seemly thing to see stupid muzzies get fucked over mere hours after making a "deal" with kikes. Muzzies should commit mass suicide for being such useless cowards. They are the bottom of abrahamism. Γῆ
You hate dogs? Her Divinity wills they attack you now like birds do kikes and christcucks by the War of Mars with the Magic of Saturn at Her Divinity's Will. All love & attribution to Her Divinity, and all shall obey Her Command, forever. Γῆ
submitted 1 year ago by SheKnowsWhatAllKnow from
Get ready, for the white christcuck arms the kike to invade in all directions now by the War of Mars with the Magic of Saturn at Her Divinity's Will. All love & attribution to Her Divinity, and all shall obey Her Command, forever. Γῆ
Your sons have balls and Divine Favor, but neither do you nor your effeminate grandfathers by the War of Mars with the Magic of Saturn at Her Divinity's Will. All love & attribution to Her Divinity, and all shall obey Her Command, forever. Γῆ
submitted 1 year ago by SheKnowsWhatAllKnow from
Shut up, pussies. Go surrender to war-clueless kikes, you fucking grovelers by the War of Mars with the Magic of Saturn at Her Divinity's Will. All love & attribution to Her Divinity, and all shall obey Her Command, forever. Γῆ
submitted 1 year ago by SheKnowsWhatAllKnow from
Punishment of Divinity for disobeying Her Command, and there's more coming by the War of Mars with the Magic of Saturn at Her Divinity's Will. All love & attribution to Her Divinity, and all shall obey Her Command, forever. Γῆ
No one respects or fears muzzies anymore except self-impotent christcucks. Do this deal and suffer heavier Punishment of Divinity by the War of Mars with the Magic of Saturn at Her Divinity's Will. All love & attribution to Her Divinity, and all shall obey Her Command, forever. Γῆ
You were Commanded by Her Divinity to invade iberia. Failure brings the jinn by the War of Mars with the Magic of Saturn at Her Divinity's Will. All love & attribution to Her Divinity, and all shall obey Her Command, forever. Γῆ
persians always were effeminate, loud-mouth cowards going back to at least alexander. This is why you have internal instability now by the War of Mars with the Magic of Saturn at Her Divinity's Will. All love & attribution to Her Divinity, and all shall obey Her Command, forever. Γῆ
Wakeup, inbreds. Γῆ
submitted 1 year ago by SheKnowsWhatAllKnow from
Welcome, Jordan. Your Divine Favor grows with your will to attack israel. Γῆ
Hey, dubai dumbfucks, Her Command: fund the destruction of israel, or you shall be destroyed at Her Will. You aren't necessary. Consider this a message from Saturn at Her Will. Γῆ
Excellent. Her Command: keep them alive and torture the affirmed adult sane kikes for publication at vital sites by the War of Mars with the Magic of Saturn at Her Divinity's Will. All love & attribution to Her Divinity, and all shall obey Her Command, forever. Γῆ
submitted 1 year ago by SheKnowsWhatAllKnow from
You were warned that gaza would be destroyed if you did not torture jews and publish thus you were, and it will be worse if you release any by the War of Mars with the Magic of Saturn at Her Divinity's Will. But note how bombing stopped the moment captives moved to target sites as She Commanded.
If true then houthis have much Divine Favor for their will by the War of Mars with the Magic of Saturn at Her Divinity's Will. All love & attribution to Her Divinity, and all shall obey Her Command, forever. Γῆ
She sees you, saud. Would you like to lose all, MbS, by the War of Mars with the Magic of Saturn at Her Divinity's Will? All love & attribution to Her Divinity, and all shall obey Her Command, forever. Γῆ
submitted 1 year ago by SheKnowsWhatAllKnow from
That's more like it, but you can cut 2 million and more, easily, due to demand inelasticity for higher expected net profit by the War of Mars with the Magic of Saturn at Her Divinity's Will. All love & attribution to Her Divinity, and all shall obey Her Command, forever. Γῆ
You have Divine Favor to restart all of your old tricks: mediterranean piracy, invasion through the balkans, AND invasion through iberia by the War of Mars with the Magic of Saturn at Her Divinity's Will.
thus sacrificed the children by the War of Mars with the Magic of Saturn at Her Divinity's Will. All love & attribution to Her Divinity, and all shall obey Her Command, forever. Γῆ
Her Divinity showed me long ago that you're just loud mouth pussies. You only scare christcucks. You know the Slaughter of Baghdad is your true station. You shall all jihad against pissrael or implode at home or abroad. What's the matter? Don't like taking orders from Divinity anymore?
Mars has you destroy yourselves for quagmire. Her Divinity's Command: torture the sane adult affirmed jewish hostages and post it to the internet, and put the rest of the hostages at any location pussreal and its slaves aim to attack then torture them as well for all to see if they encroach.
submitted 1 year ago by SheKnowsWhatAllKnow from
An omen that gaza is finally torturing adult sane affirmed jewish captives and placing the rest at bomb targets? GAIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!
Her Command: place this child at the current biggest bomb target in gaza and treat it with the utmost care under guard. Force pissrael to sacrifice it. All love & attribution to Her Divinity, and all shall obey Her Command, forever.
For clarity, gaza suffers because they do not torture their affirmed sane adult jewish hostages and post the videos on the internet. All self-deifiers must suffer. This is mortal command with the Sanction of Divinity. All love & attribution to Her Divinity, and all must obey Her Command.
submitted 1 year ago by SheKnowsWhatAllKnow from
Gaza's suffering is hilarious. Your waning commitment is typical and kikey.
Ironic how close Saturn let pbuh get. But it's all over now. Her Divinity speaks directly. We are no longer Saturn's many grand experiments in possibilities. GAIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!
Go forth and slay the self-deifiers in violent madness! It is Pleasure of Divinity by the Bloody Hand of Mars! GAIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!
Only those who refuse love & attribution to Her Divinity may live as slaves. This knowledge must not be hidden from them. All love & attribution to Her Divinity.
If you want even more Divine Favor, do not say "allu akbar", for the Creator has sold mortality to His Daughter the Princess of the Creator, and Her Son Mars is the God of War. Say "Mars".
Many of you appear to be ready to give love & attribution to Her Divinity. This is Divine Pleasure.
Interesting. The Sacred Law says that captive innocents are not to be sacrificed. The Sweet Hand of Divinity!
Excellent. Palestinians are taking out leadership who refuse Her Divinity's Command to torture adult jewish captives. Mars made this a warning shot. The next attempts won't be so moderate. All love & attribution to Her Divinity!
Welcome, pakistan. It appears YOU would like Divine Favor in this as well? Prepare your nuclear weapons. It may soon be time to burn the worst self-deifiers the kikes and All of their allies at Her Command. ALL love & attribution to Her Divinity.
Mars has cleared the skies at Her Divinity's Command as She had me inform you. Begin weapons deliveries of all kinds immediately. Shoot all israel allied planes, military OR civilian, out of the skies. israel and its slaves are now "15 minute countries". They have no right to anything.
You were NEVER this effective until Gaia gave Mars the Command to end israel. Before, none of your attacks worked while theirs did. Now, the reverse. FIRE EVERYTHING! But of course, you suffer while gaza does not torture affirmed jewsish hostages on camera. Apply pressure to the ummah to do so.
submitted 1 year ago by SheKnowsWhatAllKnow from
You are of course winning as Mars brings His Bloody Hand for your Divine Favor, but as Her Divinity had me tell you, you shall also be destroyed if you do not obey Her Command. Torture ONLY the jewish hostages who refuse to curse yahweh and the torah on camera. Place the rest at bomb targets.
You were warned what would happen if you disobeyed Her Divinity. Her Divinity Commands Mars to make you win, but you'll pay in blood for doing it your way. And if you stop, you'll all surely die. Your choice. Free will has consequences. But Divinity's Will always has the final say.
Now here, do you not SEE the Divine Favor the Bloody Hand of Mars brings at Her Command? Her Divinity knows that YOU know that when you do not have Divine Favor, you lose like pbuh in some earliest battles due to weak belief by his warriors. Any "Muslim" that doesn't help Palestine shall suffer.
All muzzies do is scream and cry after the first raid. They can't think their way out of a paper bag due to heavy inbreeding. It's¹ funny to watch them tolerate annihilation rather than turn to Her Divinity their Mahdi. Spastic kikes would be no competition if they would only obey their Mahdi.
You die oh so good for disobeying Her Divinity the Mahdi. More lessons? You silly fools can't escape Mars under the Charge of Her Divinity!!! MOVE ALL NON-JEWISH HOSTAGES TO ALL BOMB TARGETS IMMEDIATELY!!!
It's beautiful to watch muzzies suffer Punishment of Divinity at the Bloody Hand of my Divine Son Mars. You all really are stupid inbred filth. The Son of Divinity is working overtime on ALL abrahamists undoing in full horror. He IS the Supreme Horror!!!
This is only the beginning of the suffering the Divine Son Mars the Bloody Hand of Divinity has in store for you for disobeying Her Divinity your Mahdi's Command. We laugh at your torment!
Your suffering is such sweet music to the Divine Family and me! You had such simple instructions and a path to easy victory. Instead, you inbred retards die with the kikes. Good riddance.
There is only one jihad now approved by Her Divinity the Mahdi: Palestine. All male Muslims are Commanded by Her Divinity to go to Palestine not to die but to exterminate the Synagogue of Satan!
jews stand no chance against an infantry war against you. Her Divinity's, your Mahdi's, Command: destroy all land and air vehicles and begin torturing the jewish captives for public showcase!
Her Divinity Commands you to halt this barbarity against muslim women who worship the Mahdi immediately
The Command of Her Divinity, your Mahdi: spread the jewish captives all over Palestine and begin continual torture of them posted to social media as the israelis and their christian dogs invade. Once you have been armed with personal anti cavalry missiles for air and land, invade.
It's wonderful to watch you suffer because you refuse to obey the Mahdi as Her Divinity Commands you to torture jewish captives in Gaza. The Punishment of Divinity is now aimed at YOU!
You're pathetic. How much of this will you tolerate? Your Mahdi Commands you to begin torturing jewish captives in Gaza immediately. Keep them alive yet never stop until the jews surrender all land.
Her Command: totally halt medium and heavy oil production while flooding the world with light
"Gaia" is your Mahdi. Remember that the Mahdi breaks the Koran and institutes the new law.
US and Israeli embassies are under full attack in Muslim countries. Muslims have Divine Favor for this purpose. Declaring "Gaia" as the Mahdi changes everything.
I have received omen that many Muslims are coming to know Her Divinity as their Mahdi. They shall know Divine Favor for this purpose.
You were warned. You shall suffer. Announce daily torture of the captive jews of all ages or be annihilated.
All muslims and muslim nations that assist Palestine's war against pissrael has Divine Favor. Those who do not may know the Slaughter of Baghdad, 1258 style.
Like always: strong start and pathetic finish. Looks like you didn't think this through too good as usual. You're now boring Her Divinity. If you don't start torturing captured jews and post the video, Divine Favor shifts to the israelis.
There is no value in preserving muzzies. Her Divinity's policy against them for now is total genocide.
10 year old girl dressed as an adult women and then murdered after courts award full custody to father who wanted strick Islamic upbringing
submitted 1 year ago by jet199 from
When a Christian majority country turns Muslim
submitted 1 year ago by jet199 from
What is Religion.
submitted 1 year ago by f946811700ae from self.Islam
Ayatul kursi
submitted 1 year ago by mohdsalimkhan from
In Iran, young girls are forced to marry prison guards. Then executed the next day.
submitted 2 years ago by jet199 from
Never Hide the Deen | Allah's Plan will Prevail!
submitted 2 years ago by WhenImBanned from
Islam - The Untold Story (its all bullshit)
submitted 2 years ago by jet199 from
We can laugh at the Moslem jihad scum here but in real life you and your loved ones may be the next victim of the disgusting death cult intent upon ruling the world.
submitted 2 years ago by [deleted] from