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[–][deleted] 10 insightful - 1 fun10 insightful - 0 fun11 insightful - 1 fun -  (12 children)

Apart from the details of your respective specific political beliefs, what do you consider to be the important differences between you and these trans activists you dislike so much?

Obviously you and they probably differ pretty significantly over whether a “trans” woman is indeed a woman and whether everyone should be compelled to use preferred pronouns, whether trans people should be allowed to use restrooms associated with their claimed identity, etc. But I notice your post had the title “Reddit still hates women.” And I couldn’t help but notice the striking similarity between that type of rhetoric and that of trans activism, where beliefs and actions they dislike are reduced to some emotional smear like “hatred.”

And so I have to ask. Do you believe that Reddit literally hates women? If so, how do you reconcile that with reams of evidence of feminism being given preferential treatment on Reddit? There are many data points to support this, such as Double X being made a default sub, the admins embracing egregious double standards in their treatment of GamerGate and related subs that showed pronounced favoritism towards feminist perspectives, quarantining TheRedPill as “shocking or offensive” but allowing FemaleDatingStrategy to operate normally, and so on.

On the other hand, if you don’t believe Reddit literally hates women, why did you say that it did? Can you see the similarities with trans rhetoric that involve hot button personal smears against political opponents?

[–]cybitch 22 insightful - 2 fun22 insightful - 1 fun23 insightful - 2 fun -  (3 children)

As a woman who doesn't buy into any of the western censorship-happy type of feminism, I really don't see how else to get the message across, really. I don't believe reddit hates women, it doesn't give a fuck about anything other than advertiser money, but there is also an obvious bias there that needs addressing. I've seen men post stuff about transpeople not being "valid" and unlike when women do it, there's no 3000 downvotes coupled with death and rape deaths and "choke on my ladydick, terf" style rhetoric. No male spaces were invaded the way women's were, no males were told to choke on someone's manclit and no cultish "transmen are men" shit has been seen in any of their spaces. Redpill and promalecollective are still there, and there have been anti-trans posts there.

I don't really see the similarity between redpill and femaledatingstrategy either. FDS as far as I can see, doesn't promote date rape, doesn't promote "no means yes" type rhetoric, doesn't say ALL men are children and should be treated as such, doesn't say men getting the vote was the fall of civilization etc. Posting matter-of-factly about shitty male behavior is not the same as declaring the opposite sex to be subhumans who don't deserve to make decisions and need a "captain" to control their whole lives as though they were a zombie. While I'm inclined to believe someone is speaking in good faith, it's hard to believe anyone would draw that comparison with a straight face tbh. Maybe it's hard to understand from the perspective of a demographic that hasn't spent all of history fighting to have any sort of basic rights at all in literally every society to have ever existed. If you had half the world's population debating whether or not you were capable of doing anything other than being the means through which REAL human beings can pass on their genes, you might've gotten a bit emotional about this sort of stuff too.

[–]lurkergirl 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

The majority of Reddit women are feminists, and they force women's spaces to uphold every letter of feminism- including it's precepts about big trans.

[–]roguecanine 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

This comment is spot on.

whether or not you were capable of doing anything other than being the means through which REAL human beings can pass on their genes

And this especially. They often consider women a different species, merely a vessel for making male heirs that won't share their mother's genes - which is funny since actually sons inherit the most important traits (intelligence) from a mother, since it's her X chromosome that they get. But it makes for a good trolling material - you can pretend to agree with them and can say that "yes, since it's only men who pass their genes and women are merely a means for it, then I'd rather not have children, since there's nothing in it for me", and watch them getting all triggered.

Maybe it's hard to understand from the perspective of a demographic that hasn't spent all of history fighting to have any sort of basic rights at all in literally every society to have ever existed

The weight that all women grew up with. The knowledge of how low your position can fall in society and the ever present fear - whether acknowledged or not. I wonder sometimes what it's like to never have to experience it, to always feel safe in the knowledge that whatever changes society might go through in the future you would never be the target and on the receiving end of brutality.

[–][deleted] 15 insightful - 1 fun15 insightful - 0 fun16 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Not OP, but:

There exists a split between "liberal feminism" and "radical feminism". Generalizing a lot here, but: radical feminism thinks pornography is exploitation, feminism is for female women only, doesn't believe in transgender ideology, thinks female sex role expectations often harm women (extra time spent doing makeup, expectations to be deferential, etc). Liberal feminism thinks feminism is for men too and helps men, generally upholds transgender ideology, thinks sex work is work like any other, thinks makeup is empowering if women want to do it.

TwoX, for example, would be an example of a liberal feminist sub. Radical feminists might think it's not very female centered. Women on GC often complained about how they felt they got bad advice on TwoX and that it was not really a female-perspective-centric sub.

What double standards happened with GamerGate? That's interesting about the different treatment FDS and TRP got. FDS seems pretty much like a mirror to TRP, unethical activity included.

However, the "Reddit hates women" stuff starts to look compelling when you see how many male subs weren't banned. GC was banned in the first wave, but GenderCriticalGuys wasn't. And in this latest ban round, r/TrueLesbians was banned, but r/TrueGayMen was not.

It should be noted that most of the feminist subs are not actually female centric, as they include transgenderist men. The GC network subs were pretty much the only ones that were for actual women (they even went after /r/PCOS trying to make it "inclusive"!). So while "feminist" stuff might be widely promoted, it's not actually stuff for women. Because the word has been co-opted by men.

It also seems like there is compelling evidence of a double standard wrt anti-female vs anti-male stuff. There was also a feminist sub a while back that was removed for "hateful speech," when literally what they did was reverse words in stuff men had said about them. I guess I don't go around reddit a whole lot and hang around uncensored spaces but it seems like anti-female sentiment is pretty normalized on a lot of the web. And often the women who post this kind of stuff are challenged, but the men who're doing the anti-female stuff (in much greater volume) are left alone. For another example, there actually was a radfem removed from GC for posting violent content. Like ... the one radfem doing it. Stuff like that is pretty normalized in anti-female spaces... which includes a lot of the internet.

It seems like they have a point. And I don't think the "X is anti-<our group>" is unique to them. That's why people post content about their opponents or targets behaving badly in all sorts of contexts.

It seems like the radems have a point. But I also think there's hypocrisy wrt to the trans issue because they still over-reach with "hate speech" for other issues in the progressive stack (esp. LGB ideology) in the same way TRAs do about "transphobia". And have, to some degree, a double standard instead of a decency for everyone standard. Like I said though, I do think they have a point.

[–]3MistersAndAMissy 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Not OP but I am a woman who had thought Reddit was pro women for some of the reasons you said until this ban. I had considered myself pro-equallity anti-feminism because I have sons, an awesome dad, and a great husband. I saw sexism in both directions.

Then, I saw gendercritical get removed for ‘hate’ but rape porn/erotica inclding ‘strugglefuck’ and ‘rapestories’ and similar were able to stay on.

A sub where reading a sexualized ‘account’ or watching a video of-a woman supposedly being gang raped was not hate.

I tried to watch one vid and after the gang rape her ‘unconscious’ body was thrown into a pool, supposedly to drown I guess?

This showed me the misogynistic underbelly of the supposed left/progressive viewpoint.

They have that in the right but at least you know where it is.

[–]brightlightbellend 4 insightful - 3 fun4 insightful - 2 fun5 insightful - 3 fun -  (4 children)

They're delusional radfems. What makes me laugh is how much they go on about gender crtitcal spaces not being black holes of hate. I'm pretty sympathetic, but the language they use is frequently gross.

It's just a slogan, x hates women, it's frequently not true and just gets them all worked up. They are 2 sides of the same bullshity coin & I love watching them tear each other apart.

Oh, and welcome to OP. Welcome to the shit pile of deplorables that is said it. Lol.

[–][deleted] 5 insightful - 3 fun5 insightful - 2 fun6 insightful - 3 fun -  (3 children)

The more I hear about radfems the more I hate them. There. NOW they something to censor, as they like to go on about hate all the time. What a bunch of pathetic hypocrites. I will say it loud and proud:

Radfems are hateful. Maybe they should ban themselves.

"Society hates women -- just hates them."

Women are the most protected class in history, you assholes! Boys half their age many times were sent into wars to protect country and women, BY WOMEN. That is the White Feather movement, that is why we have the Selective Service Act. Such a pile of bullshit that women are hated while men are blown up in wars for them.

Go fuck yourself, radfems. Try taking a bullet to the head for a change. Maybe that will give you some perspective about oppression. Of course they cannot defend their positions openly, which is why they created their hug box on here. They happened to be on the wrong side of censorship for once on Reddit. Now they turn around and impose the same censorship. What a pile of absolute, fucking hypocrisy.

You want equality? Get rid of the fucking Selective Service Act. Implement default shared custody. You want as little equality as the other feminists. You want just as little freedom of speech. Your only problem with the other feminists is that they support trannies and you are not on top of the oppression hierarchy in some places. That's how it feels. A taste of your own bullshit.

I will state it with absolute sincerity: I am on a war path with Gender(_)Critical or whatever other mods try to pull the current Reddit bullshit here, especially when it is this insanely pretentious. It is either me or them on this site.

Fuck radfems! Fuck GenderCritical. Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you. You wonder why you are hated everywhere? That's because even some SJWs are not that far out there to put up with some of your bullshit. It's not because you are women, it's because you are pathetic, unlikeable, reprehensible, misandrist hypocrites.

NOW you can say I hate you. Well done. A self-fulfilling prophecy.

[–]Catbug 17 insightful - 3 fun17 insightful - 2 fun18 insightful - 3 fun -  (2 children)

Nah it’s easy to hate radical feminism when you’re wrong about what radical feminism is.

[–][deleted] 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Correct me then. So far, I understand radfems to believe in patriarchy theory. For that alone I would kick their ideology in the trashcan.

Do they believe in it or not? If that does not constitute radical feminism, I am wrong. If it does, you are.

We can speed this up tremendously if you had anything to back up your position, so cut the bullshit and leave me alone with the snipes.

[–]lurkergirl 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Say, "Society doesn't hate women".

[–][deleted] 3 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Same contention I have. Maybe, maybe there are some misogynistic transgender mods on Reddit. But that is not the root cause of this type of censorship, this identitarian movement. The more I see from those people the more I realize that they are not opposed to censorship. They are just upset that they are not the ones doing the censoring. It's one euphemism after another with them. It's Olympic level mental gymnastics. These people are not better than the ones they complain about -- they are just upset they are not on top of the oppression stack.

As long as this is a free speech platform, these people will not survive here. People with bad ideas always need censorship, even if they are being criticized from outside of their hug box, which is why SJWs try to shut down everything critical of them. Once people actually in support of freedom of speech and not reverse SJWs see the hypocrisy from those people, this will be slaughter fest. These people will run to side-wide mods to give them more power over people outside of their sub and to shield them from criticism. Then, all it takes is some site admin sympathetic to one of them and we have the same takeover as on Reddit or any other social media site. It will be the same shit all over again. That is always the progression with spineless people.

Let's test the quality of the free speech protections here. That slutfest Zoe Quinn is a perfect example for this. Spreads her legs for spineless, pathetic, weak men for her entryism, until she is protected from all criticism. People's hypocrisy is always what brings down honesty and freedom. I am absolutely livid about the shit I see here from places such as GenderCritical, Gender_Critical or whoever else tries to port over their identitarianism to this place. These people are absolute hypocrites and I will expose them relentlessly.

Anyone who cares about this site and it remaining free should wrap their head around the underlying dynamics of how this shit keeps happening. I hope that the admins of this site can keep their fucking genitals apart. If these people sell out, it would be well deserved for their user base to tear them a new asshole, after all these high minded proclamations, after all this belly aching about censorship.

Maybe there should be a legal contract. Maybe that is what it takes. Guarantee freedom of speech, as a contractual obligation. And if you sell out, your user base can sue the hell out of you. Would anyone have the guts to do so? It would be satisfying to see all those snakes slink away as soon as there would be danger to be held accountable. All those pathetic sellouts, all those hypocrites and liars: Dorsey, Wojcicki, Huffman.