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[–]TokLwdSaNthg 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

We had high hopes for what would be called internet. The bulletin boards and forums were buzzing with like-minded people sharing. The ‘net would make all knowledge available to anyone, anywhere, uplift and unite all cultures.

Riding the digital since the ‘80s but I loathed Faceplant and was too busy for social media. Recently, due to injury, I made a foray into social media for the first time (just reddit, same username as here) and found it informative and engaging. Often, I am shocked by the lack of civil discourse in any comment section. Saying things that, back in the day, would get you punched-out - not just downvoted. Argumentative, antagonistic people fuelling political strife, intolerance and indecency. The obsession with easily refuted flat-Earth or moon landing hoax and that the world is run by a pedo-cannibal cabal of shape shifting reptiles from the fourth dimension.

Like any technology, it is a double-edged sword for good use or bad but this is especially useful to divide and conquer, keep us distracted while the real world burns. Sadly, I can’t help but see that this … “thing” from Pandora’s box will ultimately be the undoing of Humanity.