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[–]gnarly 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

dude ive been wondering about this shit to. like at the start my gov was saying masks dont work (which i heavily suspect was to prevent people from buying masks so they could take inventory from stores to give to health care workers) they then flipped (i guess once more masks were shipped in) saying everyone should be wearing a mask outdoors. which is fine but medical masks only sort of help if your sick and dont want to transmit. but dont do jack shit to prevent you from getting sick. n95's help a bit but if someone coughs in your face it could touch your eyes which is also gonna fuck you unless your have laboratory goggles on. Half the time i think its just a placebo to keep the masses from panicking while buying groceries.