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[–]goodbyeplanet 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

This article does some number crunching if you scroll down to death rate. Beyond that, female-specific violence is reproductive violence. Women aren't sold into sex slavery, reproductively coerced, or banned from participation because they're feminine; these things are done because they're biological women. Trans women are men adopting femininity. Femininity isn't what causes a girlchild to die in a period hut; systemic discrimination against female biology is. A baby born as female cannot identify out of the biology that causes her family to drown her in milk, in the case of femicide.

Dworkin was okay with transsexuals as gender nonconforming people, because they weren't trying to co-opt the identity of woman at the time. Her reliance on female biology as a center to her arguments is difficult to misunderstand.

From what I've seen there's a vocal community of intersex people who acknowledge that they are, in essence, a mutation, and don't want their particular physical characteristics to be used to erode the idea of sex-based protections.

Ultimately, we believe that gender is bs and people's behaviour should not be expected to be tied to their genitals. But the issue with "just study regular women" is that there is a vocal minority of transwomen that make it absurdly difficult to create spaces or research for biologically female persons. They had the PCOS subreddit shut down, ffs.

A further issue is that transwomen have male crime rates, and for some absurd reason that data is being lumped in with female data. I would argue that based on the numbers, violence committed by transwomen is worse than violence committed to transwomen.

[–]kissfan7 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Trans women are men adopting femininity.

But everyone who is feminine adopts femininity, right? Feminists taught me that babies aren't born liking pink and playing with dolls just because of their body parts.

Re intersex people: Dworkin said "The discovery is, of course, that 'man' and 'woman' are fictions, caricatures, cultural constructs. As models they are reductive, totalitarian, inappropriate to human becoming. As roles they are static, demeaning to the female, dead-ended for male and female both. The discovery is inescapable: We are, clearly, a multisexed species which has its sexuality spread along a vast continuum where the elements called male and female are not discrete."

If there is a vocal community of intersex people who disagree with Dworkin, I haven't heard of them.

I would argue that based on the numbers, violence committed by transwomen is worse than violence committed to transwomen.

Do you have a source that says this? It's not mentioned in the article you linked to. That article doesn't seem to be a big fan of me or the rest of the LGBQ part of the LGBTQ community, by the way. Not sure why you cited a writer that hates my community.

The article also counts all hate crimes (including non-violent ones) to prove that hate crime murders don't effect transwomen, which is a rhetorical stretch. It also ignores the fact that hate crimes, even murders, are notoriously underreported by law enforcement. I'm not sure I should trust anything the author says if she's gonna twist sources like that.