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[–]JasonCarswell 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Don't sweat it. I'm also terrible with correspondences. I have 724 messages from 2.5 years that I mean to get to, and about as many emails that I never check.

Larry is taking so long with whatever it is he's doing with my server and I got tired of waiting for my MediaWiki that I started this the other day: /s/Cassy/wiki/index and drafted this: /s/Cassy/wiki/progresslog_2021-05-11 which he nor the others haven't gotten back to me about. I wanted to check with them first for stuff I may have missed and I didn't want to take the liberty of overstepping my bounds by speaking for them. I'm starting to feel like herding cats is not the best way to do things, but if we want Full Spectrum Decentralization (another term I came up with recently that I have yet to fully explain and share) the it means we must try to include and accommodate everyone, but not in a commie way.

I'm almost of the mind that I need to just barge ahead and let the other guys just speak up if/when they don't agree.

Saidit itself appears to be going down too, with people simply withdrawing from the censorship and erratic behaviors by the admins.

Sad but true. Tom has disappeared too.

With the government now planning to fund communist witch hunts for internet wrong thinkers - who they refer to as domestic terrorists - this may be the moment to to stop offering them data they could characterize as incriminating.

Fuck that. They'll do it regardless - and dig up your past or find any excuse to sentence you. Don't stop because they sure aren't going to. Go out fighting on your feet, not simpering on your knees.

And btw, 50 is pretty young. At least you'll know anyone interested isn't after your money, and your organs are probably too old to be worth much on the medical black market!

LOL truth!

The older ladies aren't as interested in rebellious guys with nothing to lose who take risks, which is fine by me as I'm not into the older ladies.