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[–]HegeMoney 3 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

This is a very interesting post.

The confident explanations for the pupil shapes are questionable.

Let's imagine using foot/paw/hoof/claw shapes to explain the "why" of an animals mobility.

Let's also select an inhospitable terrain.

Mountain cliffs:

  • Cats have nimble paws and claws, which assist them in climbing difficult mountain terrain.
  • Certain species of baboon and lemurs have similar hands and opposable thumbs, which facilitate climbing on sheer cliffs.
  • Goats have cloven hooves and they can manage running around on sheer cliffs as well as any animal. Also, their eyes are creepy AF.

Baby goats escape ambush attacks from adult snow leopards.

Either way this is a great post, and cuttlefish are weird.