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[–]asterias 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

They think they will finally manage to get some pussy by being simps. They can't escape the hypnotizing power of the pussy and are too weak to see the bigger picture. Basically they are too weak to do anything other than wait for some magical woman to be their lovely wife after sucking cock for a few decades. They excuse every kind of foid behaviour because they want to convince themselves that foids are those fragile creatures that deserve protection.

So they spend their days watching porn and finally become AF cucks instead of doing something. Even gymmaxxing is better than this.

I have met lots of those. One even told me that his dream is to build a career to attract a foid. I could hardly keep from laughing. His plan might become reality at 60. And it's not like we are talking about some super career. Imagine 1.5k euros monthly. What kind of foid is he going to find? Someone in her 50s? Totally gross.

Anyway those NPCs think they can play the game and win even when it's obvious they won't.

Collapse of soyciety as we know it would be a solution to all this. At least some would live instead of this slow death we are currently watching.