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[–]99_1_Rule 7 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 0 fun8 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)


As I've previously stated on Braincels and every following forum:

The current rule is 95/5 in most urban and populated areas (Major cities, liberal states, University areas, and places with generally better genetics, like the Midwest.)

The 90/10 rule is in effect in most places that are rural and there isn't as much infrastructure. Farm country, rural areas, states with low population density, the northern and western part of the United States, low-income areas with not a lot of institutions and urbanized economies.

Personally, I live in the 2nd worst place in the United States for Hypergamy.

Living in and around the midwest in all of these giant big 10 sports universities is basically 99/1 rule.

I live in an area where there are like 8 major universities within 4 hours of me, and I live 20 minutes from one of those major Universities.

The amounts of mass-hypergamy here is ABSURD. Every other male in my University is a 6'0" white guy with NW1 hair and blue eyes. It's legit like they're cloned. Everyone has straight white teeth and good jawlines and forward growth in their faces.

All of the women are good-looking and at their full genetic potential as well.

It's a living hell to see 6'7" muscled out Giga-Chads walking around and getting approached and flirted on by dozens of PRIME Stacies every single day.

Meanwhile, I wouldn't even be able to speak to my looksmatch without having her mace me, then run and scream to the University police that I tried to assault and rape her, then she would go back to her dorm and let Chad slap her around and ash his blunt on her bare skin and call her a dumb worthless cunt.
