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[–]Administrative_worth 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (4 children)

Kinda correct. Most men lead shit lives. WHat does wifing up a landwhale signify. It gets you "socially accepted" because it's what's expected of you. Now it's time for everyone to pair up, take her onboard. Youth is over. Sorry you didn't get all the fun casual sex of youth, but we're adults now.

it's the same thing for bully victims, school etc was a long time ago, move on.

I work with children and see a lot of families. Don't bother wifing up a landwhale unless you both genuinely love each other. Someone who treats their body like that usually has problems. You'll either have to deal with a highly anxious low esteem bitch, or an abusive bitch. And as her man, you'll be expected to carry her through all that.

Honestly, as a guy, you're better drug maxxing and career maxxing until you're 40. maybe 45. Then trying to find a girl desperate for someone who has more money for a family if you want kids. If you're a 25-35 yr old incel or incel-lite, and see everyone else pairing off, don't feel the pressure unless you think it will lead to genuine happiness. You're better playing a long game. If you can get money together, stay in reasonable shape, pair those two, you can get a decent wife to have kids with.

When women hit baby age, they do try and find a chad first. Failign that, like most do, they look for money.

There are a lot of 40 yr old guys with 30 yr old wives out there, who were picked because they had earning potential. Yeah it's beta buxxing, but if you're goal is a family, at least you're doing it on your terms, and by then hopefully you're wise enough to insulate yourself financially against any divorce raping, and smart enough to call her bullshit.

[–]Prey_eyes[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

The truth of the matter though is that most people don't wife-up landwhales. Foids are like puppies and between the ages of 18-22 most fall into a low-level stacey category. Look at any group college pictures on google and pretty much every single girl is fuckable and given our lower standards meets the criteria easily for being a "stacey". 90% of them, even the homely ones, are cute enough to wife up. They have doll-like fresh faces, milky smooth blemish free skin, and they generally emit just a sense of youth and sexuality by wearing accentuating articles of clothing(ex. push up bras) while highlighting and hiding any noticeably negative features with makeup and perfume.

But I challenge you to goto any parent teacher conference 15 years later(approx 40 years of age) and the flipside of that equation is clearly in effect, 90% are saggy tits, huge thighs, faces already drooping, asses that are flat as a board in the skinny types, small beer bellies. Foids are very much, in the biological sense, like flowers. They bloom and their petals flair, there pollen is glistening, but then comes the end of season they are very soon whittled and gray. I actually believe this isn't just a random observation but is built into their dna to bloom hard between the ages of 18-22 to attract a mate, just as the flower blooms and attracts bees to its pollen. Compare that to men, George Clooney Brad Pitt are clearly just as Chad as ever, yet it would take an act of god to pin point a 50-60 year old foid who is as much a stacey as she was when she was 18-22.

So my case is that these are borderline chads/staceys getting together and that very soon morphs into a landwhale situation and being miserable. My point was would you rather be stuck in that situation or be an incel. I choose incel any day over that scenario and that is by far the largest majority demographic most "normal" adults find themselves in later in life.

[–]Administrative_worth 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

Fair point, but Clooney and Pitt, aren't as "chad" as they were 20 years ago. The age pill takes effect. Compare the two now. Old and young. Men do age slower, sad shitty fact is we start off way behind in SMV anyway.

[–]Prey_eyes[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Many people would consider clooney and pitt more attractive now then when they were 20. I admit that some of that could be a combination of accumulation of wealth and clout but just common sense generally speaking men do not hit the wall nearly as hard as woman. I think any fair observation of the two genders can back that up.

There are many many woman I see on a daily basis that I cant even believe they were teen/college age. They morph into what almost doesn't even look human. Where as a man might have a little gray hair, maybe a little weight(that could easily be lost) and not look all that different, even more dignified, without much work.

[–]Administrative_worth 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Never forgetti though. Their smv is still likely higher than yours, for the mere benefit of starting way ahead of most men