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[–]curryvirgin 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Look at Japan. It doesn't pop, it just distorts. This isn't an imbalance, it's a return to normal mating patterns, with many women to each high value male.

With technology and automation, there's no need to maintain a male workforce, and so no need to enforce strict rules on the sexual market that lead to women turning low value men into workers.

We are becoming a society that can embrace disposing of males again, but now without risk of social unrest- if the hordes of low value men are upset, pacify them with sexbots or robotic soldiers. Men are not having as much sex even now, and no one really cares.

I don't think the 'hotness' changes like consumer tastes. It's burned into our DNA for women to tingle for the biggest, most dominant, high test men. Virgin men won't become desirable- they're virgins because they are undesirable.

I don't know if the future is a boot treading on a face forever. Maybe it's Chad smashing pussy, forever.