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[–]GoldenDynasty 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Although I get the sentiment, since these guys are not as bad since they are fighting back against NATO aggression, compared to chancucks going to ukraine to fight for nazis. I'd still say this isnt a great look.

Russia has a history of racism and imperialism against Northern/Central Asians, there's a reason why many central asians have varying levels of mistrust against them. Plus because of the war, many of these ruskies fled to central asia to escape the mobilization, particularly in Kazakhistan for example, and are jacking up the rents and col, causing the kazakhs to get kicked out/ evicted. Many of these same ruskies look down on central asians and have a colonizing attitude towards them as well, they called for central asian workers to get deported out of russia, now these same people are fleeing to central asia. If Central Asians try to push back too hard, these russian nationalists would start complaining about discrimination and russia may launch another "special operation". Its a common tactic of russia. Plus I've heard some of these central asian soldiers were drafted into this russo-ukr war against their will, and they prefer central asians dying instead of their own. (I cant confirm if this is true, to be fair, but I've heard rumours).

These same goldens are fighting against NATO for now, but they could be used as cannon fodder against other goldens if Russia decides to look towards the East in terms of military operations in the future.

All that being said, I'd still say Russia is not as bad for the goldens living there compared to goldens living in amerikkka, in terms of basedness. This is because Russia emphasizes traditional masculinity, criticism and skepticism against western imperialism, is against promoting global homo/ SF style woke degeneracy in their population, and is much more friendly in terms of amxf than amerikkka

[–]AuricChicken[S] 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I am aware Russians and CAs have a bad history However, in the current circumstances China and Russia are both co-dependent on each other. China will have to unite with both Golden and non-goldens to take down the Pedo World Order. When the time is right amd the biggest threat to Goldens and the world is taken care of, we focus on the other enemies one at a time.