Glossed Over Occasionally
This is not a daily, weekly, or monthly aggregation. This is Glossed Over Occasionally.
Of all the diverse content on YouTube, these are what I recently found the most noteworthy demanding to be shared. Personally curated for your edutainment...
(alphabetical by YouTube channel name)
What Happens When You Only Pursue Pleasure - Alan Watts (12:32)
~ After Skool, 2019-04-02
Globalization is Dead. Long Live the New World Order! (39:03)
~ corbettreport, 2019-12-13
If you thought you knew about the top of the pyramid and their future plans for us all, think again.
The REAL White Devil 🍭 [Fructose] (19:14)
~ reallygraceful, 2019-12-08
The fructose conspiracy.
Doctor Exposes Transgender Propaganda _ The Daily Signal (3:33)
~ The Daily Signal, 2019-04-11
I sexually identify as an avocado, but at least I can admit it is a mental illness instead of normalizing it.
Bernie “Un-Endorses” Cenk Uygur Over Smears (16:57)
~ The Jimmy Dore Show, 2019-12-13
Jimmy Dore is usually far to soft on Bernie Sanders the sellout, though at least he calls out this buckling corruption where others ignore it.
Debunking the Gandhi Myth - Arundhati Roy [+ 2nd half: Glenn Greenwald on Surveillance & Israel] (25:37)
~ The Laura Flanders Show, 2014-10-21
There is SOOOOO much we don't understand about Gandhi, including why the British chose him over countless other political options. His "pacifism" was certainly convenient to the establishment where others were willing to take back power as violently as the Empire did. Derrick Jensen (Deep Green and Deep Green Video) also has another good take on it.
Then They Came For Your Mind - The Untold Story of Psychosurgery (1:11:09)
~ Truthstream Media, 2019-10-25
Frightening truths about a part of systemic lobotomy history. If "they" are willing to do this then, imagine what "they" will chemically do to us now.
THOTH's PROPHECY read from the Hermetic Texts by Graham Hancock (10:20)
~ After Skool, 2019-08-06
The 2 Big Problems Facing Linux in 2020 (39:06)
~ Bryan Lunduke, 2019-12-12
Starts strong, could be shorter.
Inside Bolivia's murderous post-coup regime - with Wyatt Reed (52:00)
~ Moderate Rebels, 2019-11-25
What you don't know about Bolivia could fill Bolivia.
Whistleblower on social media censorship and how mainstream journalists are government stenographers [with Peter van Buren] (7:52)
~ Moderate Rebels, 2019-12-09
An excerpt from the following riveting interview.
What was Pete Buttigieg doing in Iraq - US gov whistleblower on war profiteering and corruption [with Peter van Buren] (1:06:42)
~ Moderate Rebels, 2019-12-05
Lifting many veils.
The different types of medieval CASTLES (22:19)
~ Shadiversity, 2019-12-07
There's so much about non-controversial history that we don't know.
I Am Now on LBRY (8:13)
~ Styxhexenhammer666, 2019-12-12
Among many decentralization options. (See also: /s/DecentralizeAllThings/wiki/)
Why is There NO Record of Ancient Humans - Randall Carlson (12:50)
~ After Skool, 2019-11-26
SantaCon - Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (Web Exclusive) (5:58)
~ LastWeekTonight, 2019-12-08
This is more corporate media shitting on Burning Man and Santa Con and non-commercial types of fun. Yes, sure with tens of thousands of Santas getting drunk in dozens and dozens of cities there will doubtlessly be problems. Cancelling Santarchy is paramount to cancelling St. Patrick's Day at Disney World because someone threw up after some drinks and a Space Mountain ride.
LEGO buys Bricklink - What happens now (13:29)
~ Solid Brix Studios, 2019-11-26
I didn't even know about or that there was an adult Lego community.
Netflix, The King, historical analysis review - CRIMES AGAINST MEDIEVAL REALISM (54:52)
~ Shadiversity, 2019-11-15
If Hollywood wasn't spread so thin, with so many political interests, tight budgets, impossible deadlines, etc. they could surely afford to employ historians to help get things right.
Finally the GOP Sees Why the FISA System is a Bad Idea (9:28)
~ Styxhexenhammer666, 2019-12-12
How To Make A Video Essay (22:18)
~ The Closer Look, 2019-11-03
Starts strong, could be shorter.
there doesn't seem to be anything here