Back Story (Part 1 of 8)
Surviving A Meltdown
Before the Great YouTube Purge of 2019 (allegedly upcoming on December 10th) there was the Great SaidIt Meltdown of 2019 ( where, out of nowhere, for extremely weak reasons, I was threatened to change or be banished. Apparently my alleged authoritarian attitude and content was inexplicably not welcome. Instead of continuing to contribute and help build SaidIt as I'd been doing I dropped out, unsure what to do. While others were as free as ever to share/bombard SaidIt with their content, I started a list of all the good stuff that came my way - an aggregated news newsletter on a news aggregation site. In this way I might collect, share, and discuss with a minimum of posts, though with anticipated confusion - or perhaps inventing a new device for stronger community.
My aggregation lists grew long in the overwhelming onslaught of all the Epstein ruckus, so I split it in two, then three (while also updating a Pedophocracy article ( Every time I felt like I was almost ready to share a new wave of breaking news arrived. I tried to set a hard date to include 9-11 stuff but, again, there was so much more to include. So 9-11 came and went. And to top it all off, a couple days later I lost my Internet for a month.
Glossed Over Occasionally
My outdated lists grew to be older and older news...
"Glossed Over Occasionally" is not a daily, weekly, monthly, nor annual release. It's just occasional. These are moderately organized aggregations of content for this aggregation site.
Categorized YouTubes Overlooked A-K
Categorized YouTubes Overlooked L-Z
Pedophocracy, Achilles Heel Of The Psychopathic Ruling Class
Plus there are/were some specific focused topics in the works (9-11, Cinema, A Very Unique Glossary, Quotes, etc.)
I stopped updating the dates so ignore the dates on those wikis. All those links were collected over the summer until about September 14th. Eventually the temporary sandbox draft links above will no longer feature the same content.
Turns out there's a 40,000 character max so I have to re-edit them.
To clear out my Glossed Over wiki "draft"s I am going to publish them now, late, better than never, as "Parts 2-4" in this series of "Before the Great YouTube Purge Of 2019..." My abandoned "Glossed Over Occassionally" newsletter of sorts is not the epic failure of an experiment as one might think, but it is/was a prototype inspiration for something of a local/national "Friends Of Greens Newsletter", perhaps with a better catchy name.
After I got my internet back I was busy with other things and my local Green Party. In the new year I hope to bring my local Greens into discussions on SaidIt to discuss several things:
* local Green Party issues
* local Green Party campaign strategies
* regional, national, and global Green Party ideas
* local Green Party newsletter submissions and discussions (including anti-corruption, alternatives, solutions, philosophy, politics, etc)
* local Green Party newsletter(s) (final publishing and sharing)
* Note: There could be 3 newsletters: 1 core campaign info only, 2 general green info, 3 greater green community info, perhaps locally and/or globally focused
* local Green podcast / vlog
I maintain a healthy skepticism of the Greens on many levels. Who are my local people? How much will they bow down to the corporatocracy establishment? How open are they to new and different ideas? Will they help promote open source decentralization and worker coop concepts and solutions? I have yet to find out and I have yet to determine how dedicated I might be to a cause that I fundamentally disagree with on many issue at the highest level. Fortunately, I found most local folks are faaaar more like me, including healthy skepticism of all Big Powers.
Naturally, whether aligned with the Green Party or not, I hope anyone interested in participating constructively might feel welcome to contribute to the conversations and newsletters.
My Other Projects
Also in the new year, aside from the potential of these Green projects, I will start my own website workspace where I will bash away at my #1 /s/BittersweetSeeds and #2 /s/Trutherism101 projects, publishing progress here on SaidIt and other places to decentralize my content. The Green things will only ever be my #3 unless something extraordinary happens with it.
Before the Great YouTube Purge Of 2019... Continues...
Part 1 - Back Story
Part 2 - Categorized YouTubes Overlooked A-D
Part 3 - Categorized YouTubes Overlooked E-K
Part 4 - Categorized YouTubes Overlooked L-S
Part 5 - Categorized YouTubes Overlooked T-Z
Part 6 - Pedophocracy, Achilles Heel Of The Psychopathic Ruling Class
Part 7 - Pedophocracy, Continued, Epstein's Death
Part 8 - Outstanding YouTube Videos That May Soon Be Gone
there doesn't seem to be anything here