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[–]Radish 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

perhaps a woman perspective could help clear up for me.

Nearly half the people in the world are women. We are not a monolith and have a variety of opinions.

I didn't answer your question at first, because it comes off to me as a bit disingenuous. I do think if you looked up Men's Rights, and read some of the things they say and language they use to talk about women, you might understand why many women would have a problem with them. I really don't care much about those people, and stay away from them.

Many of these things you can look up, like divorces statistics. In the US, custody is agreed on by both parties more than half the time. A great many more come to a mutual decision through negotiation. Of the small number (less than 5%) of cases where it goes to court, the outcome favors the man by a small margin (something like 57%)

Also, not sure what you mean by male shelters - the homeless population in general needs more shelters, and they tend to be mostly male out there. If you're talking DV shelters, those started closed down because men won't use them. Also, women started and ran their own shelters on their own. Men aren't doing this, and MRAs are blaming women for not doing it for them.

[–]Kai_Decadence[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I really was being sincere. I was and still am quite uneducated with the MRA thing outside of the anger induced rants I have seen by some of the channels. But what I was not sure how to feel about when a woman calls a man an "MRA" as an insult because these men who call themselves "Mens Rights Activists" wouldn't even think it was an insult or problematic.

I guess my question is that when a feminist calls a man an MRA, is it meant as a term used to explain that the person (since I've seen women called this as well) is not worth bothering to talk to?