all 3 comments

[–]Femaleisnthateful[S] 7 insightful - 2 fun7 insightful - 1 fun8 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

Spoilers: a female cast member who doesn't identify as such claims 'they' were asked to delay necessary gynecological surgery, which is in no way about sexism or misogyny.

Also, a character that was initially written as 'non-binary' was later re-written as a 'cisgender gay woman', and the actress who took the role was 'held accountable' for her oppressiveness.

[–]lefterfield 5 insightful - 2 fun5 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

I see. So what you're saying is, it's no longer possible to make movies in Hollywood. I look forward to the booming industry of private startup productions.

[–]teacherterf 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

There's an actual, serious story in here - a cast member who was pressured by an employer (possibly under threat of being terminated) to delay necessary gynecological surgery, and then not given a chance to recover properly. But that's buried under 6 information-free paragraphs and a Twitter screencap about unspecified transphobia and harm to the trans and nonbinary community. And then later we find out that, horrors, a nonbinary character was replaced by a lesbian one. The headline writer seems to have thought, probably correctly, that neither the sexism angle nor the labor one would get clicks, but "harm to the trans and nonbinary community" would.