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[–]WrongToy 3 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

SO was describing the makeup on this person, and he was befuddled, saying, "what IS that?" That plus the obvious flirty behavior.

There have been other times. Like once he went into some sports store (he fishes) and the TIM is running around, atwitter, saying can I help you with this or that, almost like girlcrushing. He was like, what, are they following me around because they think I'll steal shit?

I just told him what was up with that TIM. They were fishing for a "thank you maam" or something like that. Hopefully he didn't call him dude or guy and cause a human rights event.

I call fellow women dudes all the time based on context. It matters, less so to the trans.