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[–]LilianH 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Males and females develop the same until about 7 weeks at which point they will either develop as male if a SRY gene is present (Y chromosome) otherwise they will develop as female. We don't have a physical sex up until this point (just a chromosomal sex). Testosterone doesn't turn someone male, it's the other way around. Being male will cause the development of cells that produce testosterone. The clitoris and the penis have the same precursor, but a clitoris does not turn into a penis or vice versa and we don't all start out with female genitals, we all start out with no genitals and then develop male or female genitals based on the instructions in our genes.