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[–]BEB[S] 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

I think what you're doing is great and love your writing style!

What you could also point out is that Post- Wi Spa, trans activists and their enablers are now lecturing women that it's our fault that we didn't teach our kids to look away from their penises when they're in women's spaces.

And if our kids do look at their dicks, well, they shouldn't be traumatized because dicks are a natural part of life that everyone should be exposed to, including 6-year-old girls.

Yet these same trans activists threaten suicide when "mis-gendered." So who are the babies?

[–]WrongToy 3 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

Well I'm doubly angry because of that recent video by some WHITE BRITISH MALE that he had just gotten surgery in LA and was now identifying as KOREAN. And specifically, Ji-min, the first name of his boy-band K-pop crush. That's what set me off initially with these guys so I'm on fire. You all were mad about last summer and Black Lives Matter, you'd be hitting the roof if it's a video about some white guy trying to be "Sambo" and here you are telling ME to be charitable? One generation back from mine, we don't know what relatives we have who are unaccounted for and we hope that they and their ancestors are dead frankly. Because we are talking about North Korea here with forced labor, gas chambers and all of that to present day.

That's my history and this fecking asshole with $150K to burn comes in to surgery, comes out looking like he's Joan Rivers having gotten in a bar fight, he misprounces the three words of Korean he actually says, and he's full Korean because he IDENTIFIES and that's his pronoun. And he's enbie, just so he lets you know.

Yeah, like men are full women when they say.

At times like this, I always think of people like Blaire White. Rose of Dawn. Miranda Yardley. Toni Roche. Catlady789 got banned today on Twitter, but before that them.

They're all trans and besides Blaire, not conventionally attractive. But I gotta say if I saw them in the bathroom today, I could live with it. Because all of these people aren't going flashing their balls or their Jonathan Yaniv enhancement and wanting fishing compliments. They've already made it clear that when it comes to biological females, they're not one! Blaire won't even go in the locker room because of pre-op status. I mean here, you see them at least caring and genuinely kinda getting it, you know.

For every one of these trans-allies I know, or maybe you know, how many are sincerely crazy? Zinnia Jones, who does enemas to simulate pregnancy and brags on SM? Morgane Oger, who attempted to have a rape crisis center shut down because they wouldn't bed TIMs right next to females? Oger's former friend, Jessica Yaniv, now convicted of one charge and facing four more criminal ones plus a whole entanglement of "he said/she said" slapfighting while calling their local firefighters 30 times in 14 days for them to extract his carcass from the bathtub? There are so many, aren't there. Onision and his prior non-dysphoric, female "husband" that he lured as a minor. Kat Blaque and the droning about how BDSM is so kewl and real wammin should want to be slapped to test boundaries. Even their notion of abuse isn't ANYTHING like what most women experience. Maybe not even most men.

I will not be voting for any federal Democrat in 2022 and 2024 despite having been with them on covid and now with them on climate. It is my opinion that these issues, while politicized, tend to get more rational discussion and thus can more be left on their own. The consequences however of an Equality Act foisted by these like-minded individuals has a very significant and predictable impact.

There are enough states that have passed enough legislation that at some point this issue ends up in SCOTUS if those states don't concede. And SCOTUS has decided nothing about gender identity that's more pressing than "Aimee" gets to wear your work skirt and call herself "Aimee" because just as women can wear pants, men can wear skirts. At some point they are going to have to deal with Title IX, the biological discrepancies that inspired the "sex" designation, and how that squares with gender identity. God, I hate them so much in all other ways, but Amy Barrett and Brett Kavanaugh might do their bit to protect women after all, while of course descimating their right to abortion.

I said it at r/gc, I'm not big time 2-party because I've thought both were just structures that feminists had to work through and work around. There aren't any friends there. All the "stuff" for trans people is 95 percent for TIMs anyway.

[–]BEB[S] 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Biden's administration is working at light speed to dismantle women's human and civil rights, so even if the Equality Act doesn't pass, it's in effect.

I will NEVER forgive the Democrats for this.

I'm mixed-race and my dark-skinned race often gets "culturally appropriated." I take it as a compliment, but then I grew up in a time when people were way more relaxed about race and a good % of Americans - and I went to a very mixed-school - just got along on a personal level.