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[–]TheOnyxGoddess 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Then I realize that this was some kind of awkward way for the doctor to attempt to figure out what biological sex her new patient is before the appointment, and / or any other kind of gender fuckery her new patient has going on - like if your name is Susan but you were born male.

I told a medical receptionist I'm female to try to avoid the question before he asked me "are you female, male, non-binary" or some crap like because I was a new patient last year. He ignored me and still asked me. Goddamnit. This was in Australia. I'm glad I'm never going back to that clinic, I was there to ask for a COVID test but refused to perform one on me as testing my housemate who I live with was enough. If I had that form (which they had to fill out for the patient for COVID reasons), I would have scribbled out that third option.

Edit: To clarify, I heard him ask the same question to a housemate.