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[–]weavilsatemyface 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Hi Siarell, I'm not in the UK, but I have friends there. You'll probably find that "normies" don't care too much one way or the other about trans activism -- they don't hate them, think they're a bit weird, but live and let live, so long as they aren't hurting anyone who cares? The upper-class English have a long tradition of men wearing women's clothing, so it is sort of accepted as eccentric but not harmful. Working class people, less so.

Uni students and the "woke" have embraced TRA ideology but regular people not so much. Some of the woke will report you to the police for a "not crime", seriously the British police now are investigating behaviour which is "not a crime", so be careful around the woke. If you see them wearing rainbow flags or wrist bands, watch what you say. Nine out of ten will probably do nothing but the other one could be vicious.

You're more likely to get in trouble in the work-place than out in the street, if its a white-collar office job.

And of course, active discrimination against trans people is against the law.