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[–]TheOnyxGoddess 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

There's that too. I'd rather keep religious, political discussions outside of work when I was in customer service. I would also be pissed off if a doctor appointment took extra longer because someone decided to go political and the doctor was unprofessional enough to discuss, regardless if they have similar poltical opinions (I'm unwell or have other things to do.

If she reached an important part of the session where errors are more likely made, she would really need to shut the OP down so she makes sure she does her job properly.

talking for a bit about multiple topics, that sounds like its going to lead into a lengthy explanation...

My doctor is often late to see me and I generally take the empathetic assumption the patient probably needs to see him for more stuff, I'd be pissed off if it's because the patient decided to go political regardless if I share a similar political opinions, sometimes I'm unwell and have to drag myself there for a doctor's certificate, sometimes I have some work I've fallen behind and need to complete after my appointment.