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[–]TurtleFuzz 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I'm happily married and have a family but I would not date a trans person, TIM or TIF. Having children was important to me, and I am not attracted to trans genitals. And it'snot a "preference", because plastic surgery genitals are completely different from natal genitals.

I tried explaining this to a SuperStraightphobe on peddit, and he took screenshots of our conversation, didn't blank out my name, and posted them with the title "SHAME, SHAME, SHAME". Yes, this guy was very mature.

Luckily the SuperStraightPhobic sub was shuttered for hate speech a day later, so it was a win for me. But yeah, the trans will use any shaming tactic they can to coerce people into fucking them.