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[–]MarkTwainiac 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

He wasn't my senator; I have the nasty habit of calling EVERY SENATOR, because I'm in an extremely populous state with TWO SENATORS, while Wyoming has something like 3 people and two senators too. It's truly annoying.

It might be annoying to you and some others, but it's not to many of the rest of us in the US. Representation in the US House is done proportional to population, but not in the Senate as part of the system of checks & balances. Giving the one state in the union that is the most populous state by far more clout in both chambers would mean CA would rule the country even more than it already does. CA has enough power and influence as it is coz it's the home of Silicon Valley/most of big tech, Hollywood/TV and the entertainment and media industries, agriculture, advertising and aerospace...

Wyoming actually has nearly 600,000 people. But the sneer is duly noted.