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[–][deleted] 20 insightful - 1 fun20 insightful - 0 fun21 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

This is the man who applauded himself for shutting down a women's rape crisis shelter in Vancouver for not allowing men to stay at the women's rape crisis shelter. It's little surprised he's still feeling enabled to act deranged.

[–]Nosce_te_ipsum 8 insightful - 1 fun8 insightful - 0 fun9 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

I think the shelter was defunded, not entirely shut down, but it's a horrible thing to do in either case. And what makes it worse is that, as far as I remember, this whole mess started because another TIM wasn't allowed to volunteer there to work with the victims (about a decade ago).

In conclusion, a couple of dudes worked hard, over the course of a few years, to destroy a rape crisis shelter, because it refused to allow men (however they identify) to "offer their services" to very vulnerable women, who would, most likely, not have been very appreciative of said services.

Even if these guys had good intentions, somewhere along the way, the meaning of the word "volunteer" was lost on them. But I'm not deluded enough to believe this was born out of anything but a huge sense of entitlement, because their little performative act of "volunteering to help" was more important than actually helping by backing the fuck off when asked.

[–]MarkTwainiac 9 insightful - 1 fun9 insightful - 0 fun10 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Yes, you're right: Vancouver Rape Relief was defunded by the city, not shut down.

this whole mess started because another TIM wasn't allowed to volunteer there to work with the victims (about a decade ago).

It actually started longer ago than that - in the early 1990s. Vancouver Rape Relief told TIM Kimberly Nixon that as a male he wasn't an appropriate candidate to train and serve as a peer counselor to female persons who had been raped & sexual assaulted by men, so in 1995 Nixon filed a human rights complaint against VRR with the BC Human Rights Tribunal (the same organization that has given Jonathan Yaniv license and free rein to sue loads of women for "discrimination" coz of their refusal to wax his balls).

Nixon’s complaint was upheld by the British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal with a $7,500 reward from Rape Relief, but after VRR appealed the British Columbia Supreme Court found discrimination had not occurred.

Of course, Nixon couldn't leave it there. Nixon appealed to the BC Court of Appeal, which dismissed Nixon’s appeal. Finally, the case went to the Supreme Court of Canada, which dismissed Nixon's request for a final appeal in 2007.

That's 12 years of litigation overall. In 2013, Morgane Ogre [sic] joined Nixon's crusade against VRR:

Morgane Oger, who chairs the Trans Alliance Society, said she has been advocating since 2013 for Rape Relief’s municipal funding to be stopped.

So altogether, these men have been conducting an aggressive campaign against VRR for 25-30 years now.

Even if these guys had good intentions, somewhere along the way, the meaning of the word "volunteer" was lost on them. But I'm not deluded enough to believe this was born out of anything but a huge sense of entitlement, because their little performative act of "volunteering to help" was more important than actually helping by backing the fuck off when asked.

Of course, the sense of entitlement of these men was/is a big factor in their motivations. But there was most likely much more to it. My hunch is that the TIM who "volunteered" to be a rape crisis counselor for women, and who sued Vancouver Rape Relief when he was informed he was ineligible for that position, wanted to hear the stories of women being raped coz he gets off on them. He was looking for juicy material for his wank bank.

Also, I imagine he might have been motivated by classic "savior complex" symptoms and an authoritarian streak a mile wide. I suspect he wanted to be in the position of rescuer, healer and giver of wise counsel to injured, vulnerable women at a very low point in their lives.

At the same time, I bet he was champing at the bit for the chance to tell the female rape victims he envisioned himself "helping" exactly how they should react to, interpret, frame and speak about their experiences of being raped or otherwise sexually assaulted/abused. There are tons of guys out there, "trans" and not, who are hellbent on telling girls and women that the way we react to being sexually victimized by men is wrong and "neurotic" and "phobic." And that the best way for us to get over our bad experience with a man or men is to get some "good cock" from a man who isn't quite as rapey and abusive.

I think probably this TIM's need for "validation" of his phony "gender identity" came into play too. So, I imagine, did a desire to go slumming on the other side of the sex divide where those of us he sees as inherently second-class, less than human, dumb and degraded live - akin to "disaster tourism."

Finally, I've a hunch this fella and others of his ilk was/are also motivated by a great deal of classic male sadistic voyeurism. Interestingly, I just looked up the dictionary definition of "voyeurism'" and found that according to the one I use (Oxford), voyeurism has two meanings:

  • 1) "the practice of gaining sexual pleasure from watching others when they are naked or engaged in sexual activity" - which in this case I think could be extended to mean gaining sexual pleasure from hearing persons of the opposite talk about and reveal the details of being sexually assaulted and degraded by persons of your own sex;

  • 2) "enjoyment from seeing the pain or distress of others"

[–]teacherterf 11 insightful - 2 fun11 insightful - 1 fun12 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Some more context for the defunding:

  • There are (at least) nine women's shelters in the Vancouver area. Eight (8) of them are fully "inclusive", providing an entire slate of services to everyone who claims to identify as a woman. VRR, contrary to propaganda, only extends most of its services (such as counselling) to males.

  • The municipal grant that VRR lost after Oger's intervention was worth around $30,000/year. The other shelters receive municipal funding totalling around $200,000.

  • Vancouver is committed to equity and allows organizations that restrict services to equity-seeking groups to receive public funding. For instance, organizations that provide services for indigenous youth and Chinese seniors both receive public funding. "Equity-seeking groups" are defined at the city level as ones that have historically endured discrimination on the basis of race, gender, age, religious affiliation, or disability. Notice anything missing?