

wendolynne 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun 4 years ago

Ah word-smithing, the favorite pass-time of law-makers. They are not banning the words for family members. They are just cleaning up some cumbersome language - changing "mother or father" to "parent", "brother or sister" to "sibling", etc. in specific places in this particular document, where they have specified a long list of family members that this particular law applies to. It reads a little easier with half as many words and has the same meaning. Y'all are so melodramatic!

MarkTwainiac 8 insightful - 1 fun8 insightful - 0 fun9 insightful - 1 fun 4 years ago

Ah word-smithing, the favorite pass-time of law-makers. They are not banning the words for family members. They are just cleaning up some cumbersome language - changing "mother or father" to "parent", "brother or sister" to "sibling", etc. in specific places in this particular document, where they have specified a long list of family members that this particular law applies to. It reads a little easier with half as many words and has the same meaning. Y'all are so melodramatic!

When Obama in 2016 issued his executive order and "advisory letter" that by fiat changed the language in Title IX so that inclusion in female scholastic sports in the US must now be based on "gender identity" rather than "sex," was he and his administration really "just cleaning up some cumbersome language" in the original law? Or did they entirely change the meaning of that law and who it was intended to protect as well?

The "word smithing" of the Obama admin made it possible for males to use "gender identity" claims to compete in female scholastic sports in the US. As a result, starting just months later, two boys - Andraya Yearwood and Terry Miller - began competing in CT HS girls track.

Now those two CT boys - neither of whom would've qualified for the boys' teams at their schools, and one of whom, Andraya Yearwood, is actually a terrible runner - hold 15 statewide HS girls track records between them. For three years, these two boys won virtually every girls race and meet they entered, as well as many other prizes. They've been awarded the CT state sportswriters' "Courage Award," the Athlete Ally national award for their "stunning and brave" activism (which seems to consist of wearing wigs, hair extensions, fake nails & dresses & acting in their own selfish interests), been likened to MLK and Rosa Parks, been lionized in many press profiles as well as a FL documentary film, feted at the Tribeca and Telluride film festivals. Yearwood was invited to speak about "diversity & inclusion" at Harvard, and also spoke about "trans inclusion" in female sports at a Pride event in Los Angeles.

Similarly, a male, CeCe Telfer, who decided to go trans his senior year in college, became the 2019 NCAA Div II women's champion in the 400 m women's hurdles, an event that Telfer did poorly in during his three years competing in college athletics as a male.

Also in 2019, June Eastwood, another male who went trans for his senior year in college after disappointing results competing as a male, was named "Big Sky Conference Female Athlete of the Week" and in 2020 trounced all the female field in the mile at another Big Sky event:

But according to you, "we'all" are just being melodramatic when we regard with suspicion the "word smithing" being done by the Democratic Party because we aren't so breezily confident as you that changing the language in laws so as to eliminate reference to sex won't alter the meaning. And coz some of us have witnessed firsthand the backlash against women's rights and feminism that began in the 1980s and thus aren't able to share your naive conviction that there isn't a far bigger and more nefarious agenda here.

This video might help you understand where "we'all" melodramatic defenders of women's rights are coming from:

But thanks at least for not calling us hysterical.

forwardback 6 insightful - 2 fun6 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 2 fun 4 years ago

In the coal mine, the canary is laying on the bottom of its cage. You remind me of the mine owners, insisting conditions are still safe for birds and miners. Nothing to see here, back to work.