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[–]yousaythosethings 13 insightful - 2 fun13 insightful - 1 fun14 insightful - 2 fun -  (2 children)

“Even though the aesthetic is rooted in consumerism and being all about money and things, we’re trying to push it the opposite way,” says Griffin Maxwell Brooks, a 19-year-old mechanical and engineering aerospace student at Princeton University. “The modern bimbo aesthetic is more about a state of mind and embracing, ‘I want to dress however I want and look hot and not cater to your expectations.'”

Then why are you catering to their expectations to a T? Nothing groundbreaking here.

On TikTok, Brooks favors glittery mesh tops, jangly earrings, jewel-toned hair dye and bedazzled combat boots; with Chlapecka, they are one of the unofficial leaders of the bimbo movement on TikTok, going viral in October with a video of him summarizing the bimbo aesthetic. “The bimbo is not only blissfully and ignorant and spacey but exists at the aesthetic intersection of tackiness and luxury,” they say in the video. “To be a bimbo, one must let go of their former earthly possessions and relationships to adopt a gaudy yet lonely lifestyle.”

If you google him, this is just a garden variety man likely in the early stages of autogynephilia.

[–]Nosce_te_ipsum 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

On TikTok, Brooks favors glittery mesh tops, jangly earrings, jewel-toned hair dye and bedazzled combat boots; with Chlapecka, they are one of the unofficial leaders of the bimbo movement on TikTok, going viral in October with a video of him summarizing the bimbo aesthetic. “The bimbo is not only blissfully and ignorant and spacey but exists at the aesthetic intersection of tackiness and luxury,” they say in the video. “To be a bimbo, one must let go of their former earthly possessions and relationships to adopt a gaudy yet lonely lifestyle.”

The author of this piece can't seem to decide whether to refer to this guy as a "he" or a "they", which makes reading this rather confusing. Also, those last quotes remind me of when I was a kid (around 12 years old) and started writing "deep" poetry by using all sorts of pompous words that either didn't mean anything, when taken in context, or were contradictory to each other. How does one let go of their "earthly possessions and relationships" by adopting a gaudy lifestyle that exists at the intersection of luxury and tackiness?

I'm becoming more and more convinced that these people are, intellectually, very lazy and have developed a fear of "adulthood". They're adopting all these silly identities in hope that society will go easy on them for being so weird and oppressed for it. This is goth/emo, but on steroids and with more horrible repercussions (and this is coming from someone who had a goth phase).

[–]yousaythosethings 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Good catch. Even the panderers can never get the pronouns right.