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[–]Finnegan7921 11 insightful - 1 fun11 insightful - 0 fun12 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

What i Find funny is that they immediately go into "extreme distress" at the slightest provocation. People who do that aren't mentally stable in the first place. People just don't suck it up and deal with the bumps in life's road anymore. Everything they don't agree with is treated as some extreme threat to their very existence. That is not a sign of someone with good mental health.

Even with the election you would read, time and time again, people who said Trump staying in office was a matter of life and death for them. A matter of life and death...yet would offer no reasons why and people went along with it. If he was so dangerous to these people personally, how the hell did they survive the past 4 years ? My question is : wtf are these people going to do when NOTHING in their lives change ?

[–]LasagnaRossa 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

What I find funny is that they immediately go into "extreme distress" at the slightest provocation.

You reminded me an old conversation I had online with a person about transexuality. I was never unpolite and my thoughts were pretty philosophical.

Well, it turns out I was talking with a trans person who, at the end, asked me all offended why I was so hateful with them. I didn't even know who I had on the other side, I talked with them as I talk with everyone.

That conversation led me to reaffirm my suspicions: these people have mental issues. Any other person would have not reacted that way.

And I speak as a person who has her own issues, uh. I recognize I can't policy the thoughts of others and understand that if I get offended by some things, it's up to me.