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[–]MezozoicGay 28 insightful - 6 fun28 insightful - 5 fun29 insightful - 6 fun -  (1 child)

There's no actual counter argument to it

So he is saying "TERFs are right and there no counter to their words", but still against them? So he is conciously lying and asking others to lie?

And first comment appeared to me is just wow:

Obviously there are differences between people, and those differences affect life outcomes. Pregnancy and building a family is the big reason women are disadvantaged in the workplace in the United States. So who is more privileged, women who can't get pregnant or those who can?

The answer is deceptively simple: Who gives a shit?

We need to fix structural inequalities that disadvantage women both cis and trans, and not worry about which woman or type of woman is doing better or who the highest paid female CEO is.

Really? Saying "Women have such and such problems, but who cares? Lets fix only problems that both transwomen and women have." and thinking it is fine?

So white trans women should just start apologizing more for being successful? Or explaining that their "male" privilege should be balanced against their lack of cis privilege?

And what is "cis" privilege exactly? Men have privilege over women not because they are "cis". So if you have "male" privilege as trans, this means you have privilege over women in general.

And "cis" privilege is what - having pay gap, not having abortion rights, being put into menstruation huts, having no voting rights, and so on? Not sure anyone would like to have such "privilege".

TERFs are going to exploit whatever they can [...] to be transphobic. It's what they do. TERFs are transphobes.

Nice arguments. So anyone who is saying that transwomen in Rugby is dangerous to women is only making this to hate transes and be transphobic, not because they are concerned about women?

[–]jelliknight 15 insightful - 1 fun15 insightful - 0 fun16 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Pregnancy and building a family is the big reason women are disadvantaged in the workplace in the United States. So who is more privileged, women who can't get pregnant or those who can?

Men. Men is the answer to that question.

Our society depends, at the most basic level, on women birthing and raising children. There is no economy or society without that work. The fact that it is poorly respected and not supported, to the extent that it has a negative affect on a woman's life while she's bringing uncountable positive value to the society around her is the problem. Not whether infertile women have it worse. Not men in skirts. The complete dismissal of women's labor and the structures which have been built that unnecessarily keep women with infants out of work are "the big reason women are disadvantaged in the workplace". It's men who are more privileged.