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[–]LeaveAmsgAfterBeep 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

In my state we can still be denied housing, and until the recent decision, jobs based on sexual orientation. These are the rights I am talking about. These are rights that need secured. My partner grew up in an area in a different state that was a solid 20+ years behind socially from mine, and I wouldn’t say mine was current to cities.

There’s a major difference in smaller rural towns vs even small cities for people who depending on the town may need that legal assist depending on how bad things are. Even in places with the laws they can still descriminate but at least there’s foothold to stand on if one decides to put the energy and money into a lawsuit. I saw it happen to friends over the years, with good rental history, good jobs, the only difference in them getting a place was lying saying they were friends vs saying they were two engaged women.

I want to see the EA fix things like this, not cater to trans made up problems about access to things they do not and should not have access to. There’s a reasonable right to pee but they don’t need access to the women’s changing rooms or locker rooms, they don’t need to be in women’s sports. Those are NOTHING like being LGB and I hate that they’re grouped with our movement and rights and have taken over our organizations.

Also re:cake, the cake case had to be appealed upwards then decided on by the supreme court, it was their choice to take it, they took it not because of the specifics of the case but because it likely relates to compelled and free speech. You legally may have the right to request something, but a service provider can technically refuse. This was a good move for artists and service workers and I actually support the decision.