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[–]MarkTwainiac 22 insightful - 4 fun22 insightful - 3 fun23 insightful - 4 fun -  (0 children)

It seems that many cisgender birthing units take umbrage at the use of progressive terminology which respects gender non-conforming individuals. The abuse appears to be predominantly aimed towards trans women. Many cisgender womb carriers refuse to accept that trans women are women, and that we (are) entitled to be treated as and referred to as such. They send abusive messages, designed to undermine our existence, such as: ‘Look, as a lesbian, I don’t wish to have sex with someone who has a penis’, and: ‘Erm… but you’re not a lesbian’, and: ‘Please stop sending me photos of your “lady dick”.’ Notice they put ‘lady dick’ in inverted commas as a way to question and therefore diminish the validity of my female penis. So it really comes as no surprise to me that these forward-thinking organizations are facing the same amount of hostility.

LOL. Well done Jarvis.