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[–]BEB 13 insightful - 1 fun13 insightful - 0 fun14 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I meant that the gender lobby made a big deal about the bathrooms, as if that were the issue, when their true intent went well past bathrooms. And they fall back on bathrooms even now, to make women seem as if we're hysterical prudes for not wanting them in our spaces.

But here is my bottom line (this isn't addressed to you!!!! these are just my thoughts) we all have to accommodate others when we are in public. For instance, we can't go nude.

If TiMs want to dress as they wish, it's their responsibility to convince society, specifically other males, to accept them.

I am not a human shield for a man who wants to wear a dress, especially given that all he has to do is simply change his appearance and his "oppression" disappears.

tl;dr TiMs' bathroom needs are not my fucking problem.