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[–]PenseePansy 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

So beyond sick of this gender-fetishism everywhere you go. Even when I just signed up for Spotify! (And no opt-out either! How is this essential to using a goddamn music service, exactly?)

Short of dispensing with "gender" categories on forms altogether (my #1 choice), how about at least having two separate categories: "Gender" and "Sex"? With answering the former as optional and the latter (consisting only of "Male" and "Female") required? So those all-important genderfeelz get acknowledged without obstructing (as here) medically-necessary information? Anyone know if this workaround has been tried? (Not that it should need to be, of course, but something something darkest timeline...)