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[–]WrongToy[S] 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Having read a bunch about prisons, specifically CDCR, for about 20 years now here's my opinion of what's going on.

It's a lot harder to be a gay masc male than a trans in most of CDCR. The whole idea of sexuality is that one is somehow weak or indebted and needs protection, and those who protect want favors, not just sex, but trad "housewife" duties like washing their undies out and keeping the cell sparkling. This is because it makes it better, or less gay, for said hetero dominant males to have sex with them, and that always occurs with them doing the penetrating.

Once one gets caught up in this as the subservient, the word gets out and pretty soon prison survival becomes about the weaker doing sexual favors and conforming to the worst of female gender stereotypes. Of course, if they continue to be indebted this cycle will only continue.

Add to this the males, often older, who simply don't want to hypermasc any more. At a typical male prison, that behavior is required--everyone is required to know where the yard shanks are. Everyone's required to go to battle. That is not true in female prisons, where inmates tend to group up in a "street family" structure versus racial gangs.

So they have problems. But women are not the solution or escape to these problems just because other men have a problem with them.