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[–]MarkTwainiac 10 insightful - 1 fun10 insightful - 0 fun11 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

I don't think it's fair or accurate to generalize about an entire generation of people this way, whatever their age.

Also, seems to me that girls and young women today, as in the past, have been socialized to have too much empathy. And concepts and buzzwords like "inclusivity" and "intersectionality" and catchphrases like "be kind" and "do better" are being used to bully and bludgeon girls and young women into always putting others - particularly male others - first. Same as it ever was, just dressed up in new jargon and pretending to be "feminist" and "progressive" and "fair."

I do agree, however, that critical thinking skills seem to be in short supply nowadays. Amongst all generations. I

But if critical thinking is especially lacking amongst the younger generations, that's not the fault of young people - it's the fault of shoddy educational systems, crap parenting, the mainstream media, social media, authoritarian politics, cancel culture, "safetyism," celebration of "diversity" in every way except when it comes to diversity of thought, changes in lifestyle that mean many younger people today are reaching adulthood with very limited IRL experience under their belts, and many other factors such as the fact that so many young people nowadays have been prescribed drugs like ritalin, adderal, SSRIs and benzos whilst in their formative years - and kept on them for long periods of time.

The good news is: critical thinking can be learned at any age in life, so if you missed out on it early, it's not too late. Similarly, people who have too much empathy can learn to develop boundaries, self-respect, self-interest and assertiveness later in life too.

It's only those who don't develop empathy early in life who are up the creek.

The fact that you are 20 and made this post is proof positive that some people in your generation are indeed doing okay when it comes to empathy and critical thinking. Kudos to you, OP.

[–]tuesday 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

If it were a stage of emotional development tho, it would be entirely appropriate to generalize.

Honestly when you look at history, at places where fascism ran rampantly out of control, there's a subtle pattern I finally noticed. Middle age or older person trying to manipulate the masses. The majority of the population doesn't fall for it -- not until the college age kids latch on to it as a way to seem more mature than they really are, and then they popularize it.