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[–]jelliknight 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Are you in a small class where you're going to have to address and refer to this person often? Or are you lecturing? Or dealing with them directly?

You're probably going to be talking about this person in their presence far less often than you think, and when that comes up just use their name.

You may be picked up on it if you use pronouns where they can hear and if so just go "oh, ok." and carry on. If you forget to avoid pronouns right away and get picked up on it again just repeat "Oh, ok" and keep going. You're not refusing, you're just not able to alter your language and not willing to derail the discussion with a self flagellating apology that draws more attention and singles out the student.

To be honest, the non-binaries seem to be far less confrontational than the TIMs and probably won't pick you up on it at all. Just avoid them if you can.