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[–]lefterfield 17 insightful - 1 fun17 insightful - 0 fun18 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

I also think there's a natural discomfort that people have in not knowing what sex someone is. I once knew a TIF that I was initially very uncomfortable around(like, the first few hours after meeting them), but as soon as I realized she was biologically female, I felt totally at ease. I know TRAs would call it "transphobia", but it's not like I found her disgusting or unnatural or wanted to hurt her - I couldn't tell male vs female, and it confused me and made me feel stupid. I also didn't want to offend this complete stranger that no one had told me anything about. Part of what trans people may be reacting to is the natural confusion from other people and social awkwardness. That's not the fault of the "non-trans" people, though.