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[–]RevengeOfTheCis 25 insightful - 1 fun25 insightful - 0 fun26 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I am so sick of hearing about this "study", which male spaces like reddit LOVE to tout as "proof" you can pressure your GF into a threesome/watching porn, since "all women are bi, anyway"! Or that you can "turn your local lesbian," since, again, "all women are bi, anyway!"

And this obviously harms bi women, too, since... once again, "all women are bi, anyway! (so why do you need to talk about it, just shut up!)"

In no particular order, here is why I consider this study bullshit:

First of all, it doesn't take into consideration that straight women, like everyone else, are fed a constant diet of media that centers the male gaze and sexualizes and objectifies women's bodies. I don't think a sexual response to images of women necessarily proves that a woman is sexually attracted to women, but rather that the woman knows that such an image implies sexual activity is forthcoming (most likely involving a male, who they ARE sexually attracted to).

Second, it assumes that the case for males is the default case. In this instance, straight males being attracted to images of women "proves" they're straight, and gay males being attracted to images of men "proves" they're gay. Therefore, women being attracted to both "proves" they're all bi. But wait a second here, why can't it be that women being attracted to all the images "proves" that women are sexually aroused by images implying sexual activity because they're aroused by the thought of the act of sex (not necessarily the person depicted), and men only being attracted to images depicting the bodies of people they're attracted to "proves" they are more likely to see their sexual partners as objects, and are only aroused when looking at the right "object"? The result is completely different if we allow the FEMALE result to be the default for once.

I just hate this "study" so much.