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[–]Complicated-Spirit 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

I would say, in general, no.

Woke people feel this internal driving need to be angry at everything, all the time. The way a house is built, the way a woman is walking down the street with her dog, the way the cashier at the gas station rings you up for your purchase, the way you are carded at the bar, the way you get a parking ticket for overstaying your parking meter, the way you receive your packages - everything can be interpreted as a message of oppression. If Event X is about X, it can still be considered oppressive because it does not explicitly mention or make itself about Y. A is inherently oppressive because she is not B. A is both at fault for being oppressive, and cannot change her oppressiveness, no matter how she tries.

They look for things to be angry about everywhere. Think of the recent TIM deciding to “call out” GWOM on Twitter for some absolute bullshit about “not being inclusive of transwomen”, like there are just so many great transwomen in mathematics and GWOM is explicitly making a point of ignoring them. Did that TIM have nothing to do that day besides get pissed off at random Twitter accounts that have done him literally no wrong? And getting even angrier when they don’t respond within three minutes to his demands? They live to start shit, which is why they generally have problems getting along with other people. They tend to be employed in niche industries that either make excuses and room for shitty behavior (such as academia) or that allow a great deal of independence and isolation (such as tech). That’s when they’re employed at all - many of them simply waste time blaming all their life’s problems on everyone else, claiming their constant shifting from low-paying job to unemployment to another low-paying job in a perpetual cycle, is another example of their victimhood, and not at all a case of their causing issues at every place they’ve worked or walking off the job any time they get told something they don’t want to hear. Some of my old friends seem compelled to stay impoverished, because of a subconscious belief that if they’re able to pay their bills, they automatically turn into evil capitalists or something.

Many of them do suffer from mental illness, but it seems largely to be tinged by narcissism, which is notoriously difficult to treat. I say this because one, studies have flat-out shown it - not merely among TRAs, but sadly, Millennials, and among virtue-signaling people in general. It’s concerned with “looking good” and “see what excellent progressive deeds I’m doing here”, when in fact those deeds require very little effort, and do give the narcissist the relish they so love of seeing someone who has angered them get “consequences” for it. There’s also the air of self-righteousness, and critical theory itself largely rests on the notion of “I’m right because I know I’m right, and you just need to shut up if you disagree with me”.

Hell, there are friends I had in college that while I still maintain a contact with via Facebook, I definitely don’t wanna hang out with them anymore, because 90% of being woke is appearances, so whenever we did get together, they’d just talk about wokeness and only wokeness and how angry they were all the time about everything and so much of it was nonsensical - facts about any particular situation mattered far less than a Hierarchy of Rightness, which determined the merits of each person’s case on their gender identity, race, sexual orientation, ethnic/national origin, religion, economic status, and mental (but oddly, not physical) atypicality or disability. They might argue for one minute that rape, for example, shouldn’t at all be considered a result of what the victim was wearing - but then, wish to discuss the different socio-economic, racial, and religious backgrounds of the victim and perpetrator, ultimately coming to the conclusion that while Perpetrator probably shouldn’t have done it, Victim isn’t entirely innocent - not of perhaps asking for rape exactly, but rather of asking for the enraged punishment of lifelong oppression and inequality from one of the sufferers of her in-born prejudice and resource hoarding.

[–]Eurowoman24[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

wow i got a headache just reading that.. woke people sound stressfull lmao