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[–]GreenChiles 21 insightful - 1 fun21 insightful - 0 fun22 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

In some way I can understand teens wanting to be NB. Heck I probably would have sprung on that if it where a thing when I was a teen if I thought it would stop my moms obsessive attitude over what I wore. I too hated dresses(well panty hose which according to my mom must always be worn with dresses and I had to dress up for church.) Also with her atiquated views on what women enjoy(why doesn't brother have to cone shopping/to the prade of homes with you but we do? Well because he's a boy!) But I never wanted to not be a woman and I would have pretended to be NB until I moved about and could be the woman who does whatever the hell I want like I do now. So yea, it's just an out on stereotypes which is helpful when people with control over your life try to shove stereotypes on you.

[–][deleted]  (2 children)


    [–]Complicated-Spirit 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

    And yet my mother called me a “little b___h” when I was eleven years old and didn’t want to wear them to church. It was just so unthinkable to show up with bare legs. Like, what’s the fucking point? Only bad girls have the skin tone of their legs match their face - the good ones have legs two shades darker, I guess. From her point of view, judging by how strongly she felt about the situation, oddly discolored legs = virtue and decency, natural legs = filthy tramp.

    [–]MarkTwainiac 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

    That's so different from my experience. I as a much older woman never had the pressure you had in your youth to wear hose two shades darker than your actual skin tone. So sorry you went through that. When I was young, the norm was that "clear" or "see through" hose should match one's natural skin color. But all of us back then were allowed to, and did, wear a variety of dark hose and tights - navy blue, ochre, dark brown, light grey, slate, ink, black...

    From my 20s-early 50s, on occasions when pantyhose was called for, I was quite fond of oyster tones, and that's what I usually wore. Though from circa 1968 on, in warm weather I and every girl/woman I knew who chose to do so would freely go bare legged - and suffered no criticism for it.

    During my 20s and 30s (in the 70s-90s) in warm weather I didn't just eschew leg coverings, I often went without underpants too - even under skirts of various lengths. In fact, wearing skirts without undies was recommended by my (female) ob-gyn as a way of staving off and getting over the fungal or yeast genital infections I frequently had back then. And it worked! In addition, going bare crotched and bare legged sure could be fun!

    In particular, I recall some very sexy experiences from the summer of 1985 when I, sporting a crew cut atop my head and kitten heels on my feet, went on some delicious dates wearing an orange linen miniskirt, bare legs and no undies. The fella I was dating was a hubba hubba hunk who unfortunately had a very boring Anglo name; since I back then was accustomed to dating men of myriad ethnicities, and liked to think of myself as a woman who walked on the wild side, I refused to use his real name and instead called him "Armando" and "Javid." He didn't complain!