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[–][deleted] 10 insightful - 1 fun10 insightful - 0 fun11 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

TIMs denying their male privilege and the invention of "female privilege" - whatever that means that only applies to "cis" woman - was actually one of the things that made me grow more and more angry and distrustful of TRAs.

And that was when I was still identifying as a trans man, hearing that I had male privilege my entire life just for being a TIF made my blood boil!

That wasn't my experience at all, unless male privilege meant being constantly dismissed, talked over, having your ideas stolen by men and watching them receive credit of your hard work, live in constant fear of rape, pregnancy, unwanted male attention, getting sexualized before even growing brests, getting catcalled on your way to school at 14 years old by men that are older than your father, hearing slurs on and off the internet, watching a mediocre man getting a spot you could've received in a job or a school project because he is a man and is perceived as more competent even if you're better than him; not being able to join karate class at young age because it's boys only and maybe girls should be doing something more artsy and delicate like ballet, then watching boys on tv being put on a pedestal for doing something "girly" like they're so brave.. and your efforts going unnoticed over again; having men shame you saying you're full of yourself because you know you're good at something while a man can be an arrogant prick because he is good at something; being expected to always be humble, caring and patient. The list is never ending.. was that my male privilege? Or was it "female privilege" now I'm not trans anymore?

I think the biggest proof of TIMs male privilege is the forgive and forget treatment they get as soon as they claim to be trans. Women's mistakes are never forgotten.