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[–]Spikygrasspod 41 insightful - 1 fun41 insightful - 0 fun42 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

I was reading the comments and I thought I'd read Mermaids' open letter to JK, since they're presenting themselves as friendly and civil opponents. They cited a study that purportedly showed that trans women are no more of a threat to women than are other women. But when I read the study, it said MTF transsexuals maintained male levels of criminality. Mermaids seems to have taken the statement that MTFs were not more dangerous than control of the same natal sex to mean they're not more dangerous than anyone. Which is false. Male violence disappeared again.

They also said that there are accounts of trans people being totally fertile, but they link to a study about males, plus one story of trans female who gave birth. But she started taking T at 25, well after puberty would have helped her eggs to mature. Mermaids is deliberately conflating adults going on hormones with children missing out on puberty. Where's the study on what happens if you don't have a natural puberty at all, Mermaids? Not that one study could tell us enough about such incredible interference with nature.

They say they see no evidence of young women transitioning to escape misogyny, but have they looked for evidence? Anyone who suggests it might be a possibility is shouted down as a transphobe! I haven't seen any study that even attempts to measure internalised misogyny in trans youth, and on the other hand I have seen several anecdotal accounts saying that this is exactly what made people want to transition. If Mermaids cared about children they would be as keen on further research as we are.

[–]GConly 11 insightful - 1 fun11 insightful - 0 fun12 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Mermaids is deliberately conflating adults

When you argue with TRAs watch out for them conflating post surgical satisfaction rates in adults with childhood desistence rates.

Every. Single. Time.

Every time I've posted the childhood desistence data the TIM I was arguing with plopped a post surgical study of adults and then proudly announced that its showing low detransition rates, so my data must be wrong.

99% of the general population reading that post won't spot the switch in terms. Desistence/detransition.

They get pretty stroppy when you call them out on the difference. I think it's a taught technique on some of the trans subs.

Of yeah, and if you want I've got actual offending data from America. Same number of incarcerated and convicted, 20% sex offenders.

Same as other males surprise surprise.