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[–]cybitch 6 insightful - 2 fun6 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 2 fun -  (3 children)

Could you elaborate? Why is it any more capitalistic than any other current American ideology, people are profiting off of so-called "woke capitalism" in many other ways as well. Corporations have been using political statements as basically free advertising for a while now, and none of those statements have been right wing. The whole of BLM has been corporation after corporation expressing support. Not one has spoken against it, it would be bad for the brand, as leftists tend to vote with their wallet, a capitalist concept that couldn't be adhered to in an economic system where competition between businesses is nonexistent. In a communist system you take what you're given and the state takes theirs and if you disagree with the political views of the state, well, then you get a free trip to a "reeducation" camp. The concepts of wrongthink and limiting free speech aka "some speech needs to be banned" are left wing ideas. The people who benefit from the trans movement are capitalists, but the rhetoric they use to profit is exclusively left wing.

[–][deleted]  (2 children)


    [–]cybitch 13 insightful - 2 fun13 insightful - 1 fun14 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

    This is not new. The people "prescribing" this treatment are therapists, and therapists have been doing this to people for a while before this trans mania came along. Therapists medicalize things that aren't medical for the enormous amounts of money. It's very noticeable on reddit, whenever someone has any sort of issue it's always therapy. Everyone needs to go to therapy. But women are the ones who are particularly vulnerable to it. The majority of people spending their income on therapy are women. This is no coincidence. The mental health system has been used to police women's behavior since lobotomies was a thing - the majority of the recipients were women. When therapy doesn't work on someone, the blame is immediately put on them for not working hard enough - that's funny, I thought the therapist was the one doing the job? For the kind of money they ask it's the least they could do. Women are way more prone to blaming themselves, though, and who knows that better than someone who studied human behavior?

    The satanic ritual abuse panic was also the fault of "repressed memory" therapists. The Britney Spears fiasco right now, while I'm not claiming to know what's up with her, it seems like she's considered well enough to perform an extremely high-stress job with a bunch of strangers staring at her, but not well enough to decide where the salary she gets for that job goes. The mental health field has been used to exploit people for a while now, but only with the trans nonsense has this become noticeable.

    [–]mangosplums 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

    Thank you!!! That is one of the scary things happening in our culture. The medicalization of things that aren’t medical. If you’re depressed, it’s because of a “chemical imbalance” and you need to speak to a therapist and take medication. There’s is zero evidence depression is from a chemical imbalance. Depression is unhappiness that results from something being wrong or missing in your life, often it results from being treated poorly by the people around you. It’s not medical. And I’m so sick of therapy being recommended for every little thing as if it’s some magic bullet.