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[–]greenish 15 insightful - 1 fun15 insightful - 0 fun16 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

For the past few years I have been closely supporting a friend through fertility treatments, pregnancy, childbirth, and raising a baby.

I am absolutely awed by what the female body is capable of. The complexity an body-wisdom of it, all the adaptations of millions of years. Just how important things that our culture thinks of as unimportant are to the health and wellbeing of the child. I am shocked at how much of this is made unapparent to us, by our culture's male bias.

I genuinely do not think men will be able to technologically erase women's role in reproduction, or replicate it, though I do believe they'll have a good go. They don't even understand everything our bodies do, or the importance of it. Let alone the bonding and social aspects - would men be willing to sacrifice themselves to take up the roles that women currently play in children's lives? because that's what would be needed to raise children, and so far they have proven reluctant. How could they reproduce something that they're so ignorant of?

I don't think they can disappear us. I do think they may try to turn us into commercialized resources that can be purchased for our sexual function, or our reproductive function, as childcare, or cleaning/cooking. In the past they obtained a wife, who performed all these functions for one man and was not paid, but was "looked after" financially. I think they may try to split up the functions and many men will purchase separate ones from different women (prostitutes, surrogacy, nannies, maids, etc...), who could as a class be forced into these roles as waves of economic crises squeeze them out of other forms of employment.