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[–]Complicated-Spirit 5 insightful - 2 fun5 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

I agree that privileged/upper class people never listen to those they consider lower class. It’s funny, because they’re always speaking for them. It’s the educated, Masters-Degree-Possessing libfems of both sexes who started telling women of all colors that their feminism wasn’t real feminism unless it included transwomen; who decided - with zero input or impetus from the Latino community - that the term “Latino” was passé, and needed to be replaced by “Latinx”, and also that “Latinx” needed to be explicitly acknowledged as a Latin adjective “for all genders”; that symbolic acts and gestures were more important than resolving pay gaps and reducing needless debts; that this art and architecture was good, and that art and architecture was bad (even if everyone else who actually had to live with it every day felt differently - what do those peasants know?); that it was their job to speak, and everyone else’s job to listen. Never the other way around, unless you were trying to get a photograph for a campaign mailer, in which case one could fake listening for a few seconds.