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[–]Calliope 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I use the word "women" if I'm writing, but even though I'm not crazy about the words "lady" or "ladies" I tend to say it. Probably because I call men, especially if it's someone I know, "guys" and "lady" seems similarly informal to me. I kind of wish there was a better word, something that sounds informal like "guys" but doesn't have some negative connotations (like "ladylike behavior") like "ladies." There's "girls" and "gals" and I know some adult women like calling each other those, it doesn't feel right to me though. I'm aware some of this could be internalized misogyny I can work on. I'm an autistic woman and grew up with some very negative experiences with female friends.

I say both "male" and "female" for things like "female perspective," and "female gender norms." Or "female scientist", "female doctor,", things like that. I wouldn't say something like "a group of females" or "This female I saw at the store." Do people talk like that? I haven't heard that but if people really talk like that that's disgusting. I'd only think that was acceptable if I was talking about female animals.