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[–]vitunrotta 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Are you invading my space?! Raisins are NOT grapes. Actually one of my uncles IS a GRAPE so do not make fun of this. I will doxx you, you terrible, horrible raisinphobe. /s

...Speaking of the actual topic - I would love to be a part of a bigger site in Finland but I think so far the radfems have done pretty well. I think one of them was in AV (tietäjät tietää...) and posted many of their links. That's how I ended up here. Ha! :D

In any case I think even the name "radical feminist" sounds super off-putting to like 98% of the population - so something more GC would work better. There are, after all, some women who are NOT feminists and some gender-criticals who are not women :) Sisua!