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[–]vitunrotta 3 insightful - 6 fun3 insightful - 5 fun4 insightful - 6 fun -  (0 children)

I fucking love your username. Rusina! I laughed out loud when I saw that. Raisins are ALWAYS quite radical, though. Trying to make their way into OUR cookies... Disguising themselves as chocolate chips... THE NERVE. /s

(VERY off topic - I was in a mental rush to create an account when I found this site and just made up this name. It does have a meaning but anyway. My other choice was "vuorinauris." Little background: my partner is a South American guy who loves to try to speak in Finnish... And we had spoken about animals and plants and all that before. Like you know, hirvi, porkkana, kauris, peruna, so on. Then we saw some video of deers and he gleefully tells me he knows the name. And just says "LOOK, it's a nauris." (And I thought I heard him wrong. Kauris and nauris are too close phonetically.) He repeated "nauris" and I almost died of laughter because well. I have a dorky sense of humour and thinking of some noble NAURIS e.g. standing in Järnefelt's "Landscape from Koli" makes me have a fit of laughter that usually ends up in me feeling like I cannot breathe. Ah! Had to share this silly story, totally off topic. May the raisins, rats and turnips finally unite!)

EDIT: Some wording for coherence.